Is Low-Max considered an interval workout?


This is probably a silly question but I cycle through my interval workouts using a different one every week and wondered if this ahould be part of that group or not.
Low Max is a low impact step workouts. The interval Cathe's workouts are IMAX 1,2 and 3.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
I consider it to be somewhat of an interval workout although not in the same league as the Imax's but your heart rate does get higher for parts of the LM workout and comes back down during some of it.
Yes, it is an interval workout. Otherwise, Cathe wouldn't have come up with a blast only premix like in Imax 2 and 3. Since Low Max is low impact, you do have to work harder to get your heartrate up. That's why Cathe uses an 8-in. step. It is not in the same league as the Imaxes, but it's still a great workout. The blast premix alone is a great way to work your legs without weight.

I consider it to be an interval workout because it has periods of lower intensity interspersed with periods of higher intensity.
It is an interval workout. For it to be a true interval you need to get your heartrate in the greater than 80% of your MHR for at least 30 s. If you aren't hitting it, just do your low ends lower.
Yes, just because it is low impact doesn't mean that you cannot have interval sections that push your heart rate. Definitely an interval workout. I put it in my rotations as such, also.

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