Is it wrong to want to get a breast augmentation?


I am in a quandry! I have a very small chest 34 A and I hate it when I am dressing up and cant wear some of the cute shirts, but at the same time I am proud that I have worked my chest muscles and they are defined. Does anyone else have this problem?

Thanks Everyone!
You have to do what makes you feel happy!
After having my two kids I went from a 34B to a 34A. I shrank! I'd been a 34B since age 13 so this was a bit of a shock, especially compared to how big my chest was while I was breast feeding. I've been finding I just get padded bras and totally enjoy the fact that my breasts aren't sore when I work out. While breast feeding I needed two sports bras to contain them and it was still painful sometimes. I find that lululemon has a really nice supportive sports bra with built in pads so it looks like I have breasts when I work out. I'm proud of how many push ups I can do now (the full drop set in Gym style chest with straight legs) and think that's way more important to me than my cup size.
My mom actually had breast reduction surgery because at menopause her breasts kept getting bigger and bigger (she went from a D to a double E) and were causing her excruciating back pain.
I want them too, but can't figure out in my head how I would explain it to my friends and family. If I spent the money on myself, I know there would be a lot of "how could she when such and such needs to be fixed, or done". So my DH doesn't complain and I try to be upbeat, push ups have helped a little. By the way, I am a 36C, but after prenancy weight gain and breastfeeding, I am a very saggy 36C.

I don't think it's wrong to feel the way you feel. My chest shrank after breastfeeding 3 kids and I feel like a boy. I had a curvier figure when I was fourteen than I do now. I have thought about it, too. I am too afraid, so I wear very padded bras. The bras help me to look better in clothes, at least I think/hope they do. You have to do what is right for you.

A friend in fitness,
No matter what choices you make in your life there will always be SOMEONE who has to make a negative comment. Do what you feel is right for YOU. Don't apologize for it or feel guilty. We ALL do what makes us happy . . . it is just a matter of finding what that is. Do some research and educate yourself on the pros and cons and then make a decision that you feel is right for you. Good luck to you!:)
What does it matter to you or anyone else? Personally, I would not be willing to risk going under the knife (ouch!) to look like some societal "standard" of beauty. You might also think some of things I do are a bit crazy. That being said, do what you want to do and don't pay anyone else's opinion a second thought. Just be good to yourself.
I have a very good friend who had it done. She had it done in the winter months when she was wearing sweaters and bulkier clothing. Not one person noticed during this time. This gave her a chance to get used to them before they were "real".

She also wore those water bras for quite awhile before having it done. I think that is why noone really noticed.

Having said that...I had reduction surgery 2.5 years ago (to reduce my DDDs) and I couldn't be happier! I would do it again in a heartbeat, even with the risks. I did make sure that I was as healthy as possible to help my chances (blood pressure, etc. are all risks when you go under).

You decide for yourself and don't listen to any negative thoughts!
Good luck!
Of course it's not *wrong* and don't listen to anyone who feels compelled to preach to you that it is. If it's something that is going to make you happy, who cares what anyone else thinks?

If you decide to move forward, just make sure you do your research and find the best surgeon you can.

Good luck!
I'm a nearly A, so I can relate with you. But, surprisingly, as I've gotten older (45 now), the size of my breasts has really ceased to be important to me. I used to wear "cup" style bras, now I just wear little stretchy things. Why don't you think it over, research very carefully all the risks (my friend had this surgery, so I helped her research this stuff, and there are definitely risks), and take your time making a decision. I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't rush into it... you may change your mind!
Well, i am going next Wednesday.Every # that comes off i get smaller. I am starting to feel like a man, so i am doing it.
Get online and investigate.
There are alot of complications that can happen.99% of women are happy with the decision.There is alot to know. It is not just get implants and it is over tomorrow.
Find the right PSurgeon. Board cert a must...

I have been thinking about it for a long time. I scheduled in Oct. I am paid now so too late now...LOL..
Here is a forum. Alot of questions , answers and advice. Register and ask away. Everyone is very helpful.

Good luck with any decision you make.

Aka( Storm)
There are many reasons to have breast augmentation other than society's expectations... Don't buy that one. I did it because after nursing two boys I was less than an "A" cup and very unhappy with it. All my jackets and nice dresses had to be tailored because I was so flat chested. I did it for me, not for society. I love the results. I got 275 ccs (relatively small) and now am a smallish 34C.
But could one's notions about how they should look influenced by the society you live in? A solid argument can be made for such so please don't dismiss my comment with "don't buy that one." Please understand that I am not trying to start an argument. I just think the risks should be considered very carefully as well as one's reasons for wanting to do the surgery. Keep in mind that my comments come from someone "cosmetically altered"
It seems as we are not happy with our bodies:) :) , I say this because, I am a D cup x( x( ;( ;( , I will take your A cup any day!!! My mom has always had an A cup, where did I get my big jugs from?!!x(

Here I am wishing I could have a breast reduction. I stopped exercising for a while last year,(my husband came back from a 6 month deployment, Navy) and I just stopped for a while, the first place I gained weight was in the boobs, needed bigger bras right away!! this is totally messed up!! x( MY boobs never completely went away after breastfeeding!!x( .. okay, enough of my crying!!

I feel that you should do what will make you feel better about your situation. Go for it!!!! Good Luck to you!!;-)
It is absolutely not wrong, & you should feel no need to explain yourself to anyone. I've considered implants for years (I'm a 36A) & have chosen against it b/c I'm small & have simply decided everything is in proportion & it's not needed.

That's not to say I wouldn't jump at the chance if a great surgeon offered me a free procedure. ;-)

Hey, I get botox, I've been getting it for years, & will get it for the rest of my life (or I have a facelift, whichever comes first :p ). I freely admit it to people & I couldn't care less whether they approve or don't. If Cathe made a "Wrinkle Bootcamp" & I could sweat & step my way to younger skin I'd do it. But there's no such thing so I've chosen the best alternative for me.

This isn't about society's standards for me, it's about how I feel about myself. A sociologist could argue that comes from society but it doesn't matter--it is what it is. If you can do something that makes you feel better about yourself I say go for it.
After nursing three kids and finally getting into the shape I have always wanted, my breasts leave much to be desired:( If I had the money I would get them because all of the fat is gone from the area so they look empty. You do it if it makes you feel good about yourself.


Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
-Earl of Derby-
I don't think it is wrong to want breast augmentation. I'm a 34 A, if that, and I used to want bigger breast. were( and still are) times when I wished I had bigger breasts so that I could wear cute tops and "look good" in them. However after witnessing my mom's best friend battle breast cancer, I began to care a lot less about the size of them. I'm happy with my breast now.
I don't think plastic surgery is wrong at all. It is a very personal and important decision that you make for yourself only. If you don't want to shout to the world that you got implants do what Gwen Stefani did. She got very small implants that are hardly noticeable (guessing I think that's a small B). Lots of women get plastic surgery and people don't have a clue because they get good doctors that go for natural looks and not drastic. Some women feel good with what they got and others want/feel that they need a little bit (sometimes a lot) more. The important thing is to feel good about yourself regardless of whether you have a AA or a DDD. Breasts have the same function regardless of size. :)
Uh oh! lol! Take really good care of yourself Anne. I hope you're happy with the results. I wish you a speedy recovery.

ETA And remember no water and no food for at least 24 hours! :)

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