Is it possible


to lose 3 pounds a week? I know they say the best way to keep it off is if you lose about 2 a week but I was wondering if you thought it was possible to lose about 10 pounds in 3 weeks? And if any of you think it is possible, what would you do to 'attain' that goal? ex. cut out white bread, no sugar at all, ect?

What kind of workouts would you do? 2 intervals, 2 strength, one spinning a week?? Or would you up it to 6 workouts a week?

I am going to Vegas the end of April for our NTC and I would love to be a few pounds lighter. Well, really would like to be about 20-25 pounds light haha but will do for about 10.

Thanks for any input, suggestions or advice. :)
Probably, but I don't think it's adviseable. Definitely not healthy. I would shoot more for 5 lbs.
Possible, yes, but you would most definitely be losing more than just fat: fluids and even muscle. Also, it would probably not be a sustainable weight loss. I think there are some people who can safely lose more than 2# per week, but they are very obese, and much of what they are losing may be fluids as well.

To an extent, the more gradual the weight loss is, the more apt it is to stay off. 2# a week is usually stated as the MAXIMUM that one can lose safely without digging into the muscle.

There are some programs out that say you can lose 10# in one week! They rely on a VERY low calorie diet, maybe some supplements (that aren't good for you), and perhaps excessive exercise.

I'd recommend you be happy with a 6# loss, and next time think about losing the weight far ahead of whatever you want to lose it for!
Honestly, two pounds a week is pushing it. That's the high end of safe weight loss. To drop one pound you need to eliminate 3500 calories from your diet. Dropping 1 pound per week requires knocking off 500 per day. You could conceivably drop two by say running 5 miles a day and cutting 500 off your diet but losing weight shouldn't be torture. You must meet your nutrient requirements to be healthy and drop to no less than 1200 calories a day. Twelve hundred is a low number and feeling hungry or deprived is a great way to set up a for failure.

If you opt for a higher protein diet, you'll see the scale fall moe quickly but much of the weight loss will be water and what you really want is to drop fat, eliminate it and burn it. I would recommend one pound per week becasue it's easy to average 250 calories a day in exercise and cutting 250 calories from the diet is not so extreme as to make you crazy. Being patient is more kind to your body and your spirit! Have you ever gained three pounds in a week? I bet you haven't; we gain weight over months and years and decades. The best way to lose it is slowly and sensibly with a clean healthy and balanced diet and plenty of exercise, and rest.

Do you have a diet and exercise plan in place? Make one and track your food intake as well as your exercise output. Slow and steady wins the race and sets you up for a lifestyle change that you cn keep forever!

Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver
thanks ladies, and your right Katherine, I know I should of gotten on this months ago!

Thanks again

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