Is it OK to do KPC two days in a row?


Active Member
Hi everybody!

I did KPC yesterday and had a ball! I'm really "jonesing" to do it again today. I just want to make sure whether or not this is OK. I'm not feeling too sore. I work out 6 time per work on a regular basis, and do mostly Cathe. I'm at intermediate/advance as far as my workout level. :)

It may be o.k. this one time...but I wouldn't do the exact same workout two days in a row. But if you are listening to your body and like you said you are not too sore one time probably won't hurt. Have fun!

Oh, the reason the "educated crowd" says not to do this is b/c of overuse injuries. I'm just repeating what I have learned from this forum and in no way claim to be an expert in fitness.
Thank you Angela!

I decided that I'm going to play it safe and not do KPC today. But it will definitely be a mainstay in my weekly routines.

Cheryl :)
Hi Cheryl,

I agree that KPC 2 days in a row is a bit much. If you really love it, as most of us do lol, you could possibly do one portion of KPC one day and another portion of drills the next.

I also agree that it is a wise idea to not do the same workout (or even the same type of workout) two days in a row. And remember, just because you aren't feeling sore now doesn't mean that the DOMS won't be appearing soon! I sometimes don't feel DOMS until about 36 hours, then it seems to just magically appear!

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