Is it just me?


I haven't really been working out or eating right for about two weeks now. I swear if I let up for one or two days or weeks I'll get on the scale and it'll say I've gained about 5lbs. Sometimes it depresses me that I can't let up from this lifestyle now ever not even for 2 weeks or so. It's so hard to lose the weight but so easy to put it back on. Is it just me or does anyone notice this? I don't know, maybe I just envy people that don't have to constantly workout and eat right. Sometimes I just want to order a huge meatlovers pizza from pizza hut on a day that's not my cheat day and not care(LOL). But, that'll add about 8lbs to the scale(LOL).

Hello Shanda,
Let me ask you if the weight gain is sudden and then stops or do you keep climbing?

I know that if I am eating low salt, low carbs (being good) and then I have a real gut-buster of a day, including a dessert, I will be instantly heavier the next day. This, for me, is directly related to the water I am retaining. When I eat clean, the water moves on through. When I garbage up I get really thirsty, drink a lot and pee a little. Then in another day or two (provided I'm eating right again) I'll drink a normal amount of water and run to the br more than normal and pee more than normal. Then I'll be back to the beginning weight.

The trick for me is to stay off of the scale. Only weigh once every so often and NEVER after a cheat day.

Weighing rules are: Always in the morning after going to the br and completely naked (no jewelry) and exhale! LOL
Don't be so hard on yourself! A lot of your weight gain is probably just water, not fat. Some people's weight fluctuates a lot- up to 5lbs- because of the foods, PMS, etc. STAY OFF THAT SCALE! Measure your progress by how you feel, your clothes fit, etc. The scale is not reliable. I go on only at the doctors.

Of course you'll be heavier or bloated after you eat junk or carby foods. It can take a few days to get back on track, and get rid of bloat. That's why sometimes your pants feel tight and sometimes they don't in the same week. It's not that you're getting fat! You need to eat A LOT to gain pounds, so don't worry if you slip-up a few times. Just eat better the next meal, exercise the next day, etc. Look at the whole picture, not just the scale! Try to keep a diary/journal to see how you fell after eating, say pizza or chips. You can find the foods that cause you to feel gross and then try to cut back on them.

Good luck!
Hi Shanda,

I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. I identify with you completely. I have to be on my guard constantly. One or two days of slipping up and it shows in my face and legs. At times I get depressed thinking about it. But, hang in there. I have to remind myself that exercise and proper eating isn't only about losing weight. It's also about being good to our bodies and taking care of ourselves. If you feel like you haven't been diligent in the last few weeks, don't fret. Sometimes we need to indulge. Life would be really boring if we didn't allow ourselves to eat junk food and not care ocassionally. The important thing is that you stay consistent. Take care.
Yep, I am another one. If I go off my diet I will instantly gain weight. I am 140lbs right now, I want to be around I guess I should try and get down to 110lbs. That way I have a 5 pound lee way. Though I have hit a fricken plateu here lately. I lost 15lbs pretty easy, now it came to a screeching halt. ARGH! I hate plateus. (however you spell that word).

Thanks for the encouraging words ladies. That's what I love!!!! about this forum you know there are other people out there that can relate.

Hi Kelly,

You and I are in the same boat. I've lost ~15 pounds and am trying to lose 10-15 more. It's been incredibly frustrating lately. I succumb too many times to overeating and then overcompensate by exercising like a fiend. What kind of workout do you do?
Relax, you guys! Most people who overeat compensate by cutting back at the next meal. Chill out and think in terms of balance. I overdo the food sometimes and underdo the exercise, but I have learned to shift when that happens and underdo the food and increase ( I won't say overdo) the exercise so those little cravings and those low energy days don't throw me off too much. I have a rule. No more than two days off from exercise unless I am sick or on vacation. After every indulgance I eat, I pack in extra vegetables and/or fruits because they take the edge off a sugar/fat craving and taste great too. Adopt a no nonsense attitude toward food. We all have to eat. It should be pleasurable. Nothing is off limits just try to be moderate when it comes to sweets and move your body not just because those goodies pack on the pounds but because it's a stress buster and it calms you down and balances you out! Forget that binge and skipped exercise! That was yesterday, the past. Don't worry about tomorrow! Today is the Present. Open it and make a healthy lifestyle a Gift you give yourself. You deserve it! Every day is an opportunity to start over and do better!
Bobbi Chick's Rule!
Hi Shanda,
I too have days and/or weeks like that, & my scale shows it almost immediately. But everyone is's mostly water and the only important thing to do is say, hey I really enjoyed that day (week) off, and now I'm getting back on track. always...sensible, great advice.

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