Is it just me?

a thread on another forum has prompted me to it just me or does anyone else wish Cathe had given some, any, form pointers for using the stability ball? I took a serious back wrenching fall doing those pikes because I just didn't have the stability going on. I wasn't even piked that high, in fact, I was just starting to try to move the ball with my legs.

She is usually so impecible (spelling?) with her pointers but seemed to have forgotten them this time out.

Anyone else wish she had done some?

Deborah--formerly known as GettingFit, now the Fitness Goddess thanks to Cathe! LOL [|]
No--it's not just you. I knew immediately that I could not do these and happily reverted to doing planks with footraises. But you are right, I might have tried if Cathe had acknowledged the difficulty (and potential danger!)of learning how to do them and given some beginners' pointers.

I'm sorry you hurt yourself.

I'd like to encourage you to post this on the "Ask Cathe" site because I think this is important feedback that Cathe needs to hear.

Sometimes I fear that Cathe is so interested in raising the bar constantly that this comes at the cost of increased risk of injury to participants, or that we end up with an arrray of videos that are only in the category of "super-incredibly-difficult" and there's little for those down days when you just don't have the energy. That's one reason why I like the fact that she included "Cardio with Weights" in the new series, it is supremely do-able right now.

It seems to me that some instruction on the use of the ball and exercises with the ball that gradually increase in intensity (on the same video) are indeed required. A lot of the new ab/core work seems to border on the potentially dangerous: it involves compromising the back, and many of the exercises are just done way too fast for safety and effectiveness.

So, I am left, as I suspect many are, doing the exercises I can that do not expose me to an injured back, using some of the planks moves demonstrated as modifications and borrowing others from other Cathe videos, as you suggested you do too, and maintaining my own pace, regardless of Cathe's speed, and sometimes rewinding bits of the abs section to make sure I cover all the reps and feel worked out.

I am glad I am not the only one who thinks there are problems with the abs/core work on the new Intensity series. (And for the record, before someone accuses me of just having a weak core, that's all, this is not just because I am not strong enough because I can do all the cardio and weights work of the entire I Series and all of Cathe's abs/core work on all her other videos, no trouble. There's something going on with the core work on this new series.....)

Hi guys:

I just did Muscle Endurance for the first time this morning using the medicine ball. (Yes, I finally caved in and bought one on the weekend -- very expensive and hard to find)

There is one ab exercise that I tried to do and realized it might do more harm than good. It the one where you're lying on your back, with both hands extended over your head carrying the ball and then you simultaneously lift both legs and arms (your body looks like a V). The reps are far too fast for me and I can feel my lower back arching. I'm using impetus to get myself up there and I'm finding it jarring to my whole body on the way up and the way down. I'm also afraid I'm going to wrench my shoulder. I think this particular exercise is potentially dangerous. I'll probably try slowing it down next time or just stick to the one-legged version of it. One of my motto's is "What's the point of being fit if you can't move?"

I haven't worked with the stability ball yet. Finally got around to blowing it up yesterday. I'm kinda scared of it because balance is a real bear with me. Funny that -- I'm a Libra and balance is the Libra sign!

I just had to laugh at that last line because I'm a Libra too. I never knew it meant balance, but people have actually asked me if I'm anemic or if my husband is abusive because I'm always bruised. Seriously! It is only from me falling or bumping into things all the time. Too funny! Just curious, but how much was your medicine ball? I saw one for $45 but with tax, I just couldn't do it.
Well luckily for me I know my limitations, so upon pre-viewing I immediately realized, "fat chick balancing on a ball?" "Nope~don't think so!" So I'm learning to do it all grounded first, then once I actually acquire core strength, then I'll add the ball.

I can only assume that maybe Cathe figured it was like her step workouts. If you've never stepped before and Cathe is your first attempt, you've got your work cut out for you! So if using a ball is brand new to you and Cathe is your first attempt, same thing, your work is cut out for you! :)

But I'm far from having this problem, I'm still trying to hold plank positions on the ground let alone atop a ball! :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Hey Jillybean!

Now I know why I've always enjoyed your wonderful posts. You're a fellow Libra!

The only two places I could find medicine ball were Play It Again Sports (10 lbs. $64 Can) and Champs (8 lbs, $54) at the Scarborough Town Centre. I had checked Walmart several times and they had nuttin'. I looked everywhere! So, if you found a med ball for $45, that's not a bad deal.

What is it about these "Sports" stores that don't sell sporting goods, only namebrand (Nike, Reebok) clothes? And if you do find equipment, it's only hockey, golfing, fishing and biking. The fitness departments only carry gloves and a paltry set of 1.5 dumbbells.

I don't have my workouts yet (DVDer here), but the move you describe sounds very advanced, and potentially harmful to the lower back if not worked into gradually. I can see doing the arm work as is, but I'd definitely modify the leg work by starting with my legs in a perpendicular-to-the-floor position, then lowering them JUST to the point where my lower back begins to come off the floor, then backing off a bit, to find the perfect lower position for me.

Re: risky exercises: I just did BodyMax, which I hadn't done for a while, and was surprised that there is a very badly done and risky-to=the-lower back version of a barbell lat row included. All the exercisers, Cathe included, have rounded backs during the exercise, which puts a lot of strain on the ligaments of the lower back, as opposed to the muscle.
Well, I guess nobody's perfect, including Cathe, which is why we owe it to ourselves to educate ourselves and not rely on any one instructor for our knowledge.
Ladies, Ladies!

I am so displeased to hear that everyone is paying such high prices for 10 pound medicine balls! :-wow If you have a Wal-Mart near you please get your ball from there. I bought a cute little black 10 pound ball for $16.13 plus tax! :) Great buy!
I agree. Actually, I was rather surprised by the lack of form pointers, especially in the stability ball section. Maybe Cathe just wanted to get those parts over w/quick (haha!!). I've decided to do the modifications for the ones that are too advanced for me right now, i.e., those blasted pikes!! I found the pace of the whole series fast---but then again, I've been using mostly Slow/Heavy since it came out. suzanne
Thanks, Kathryn:

Thing is, I've been doing Cathe's ab work for years. I have pretty well all her tapes and have up until now been able to do everything she does.

I also have pretty good upper body strength.

The exercise in Muscle Endurance is just done too fast! It's almost impossible to pay attention to form 'cause you're trying so hard to keep up. Very frustrating! Oh well, I'll persevere with extreme caution. I'll get it someday, and if I don't, that's OK, too. There are plenty of body parts to work on, you can't spot reduce, and abs are just a small part of my fitness program.

Just a suggestion...

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-03 AT 06:10PM (Est)[/font][p]I know you said you have been able to do all the core work from previous Cathe workouts, however using the balls for core work takes it to a different level. I had no problem doing any of Cathe's ab work, and started going to a gym where the balls were used for ab work. It wiped me out!! It took me a good 3 mons. to feel stable with any of the exercises. And we had instruction on how to position the balls and our backs. My core has improved immensely and looks fabulous. I agree Cathe should have included more instruction with the ball work, and maybe she can use the Cathe cam(?) or pictures for that instruction. I did not feel any of the moves were dangerous or too fast, BUT I don't know if that's just because I'm more familiar with those workouts and have worked up to that point. I'm not trying to minimize yours or anyones concern at all, just giving a different perspective. I also think someone needs to bring this to Cathe's attention when she gets back so she can address it.

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