Is CTX good?


Hi! I have just discovered Cathe in the last few months and I really love the intensity. I had been pretty much doing the Firm exclusively for the past year, but felt I needed better Cardio. I have Power Max, Imax 2, the Wedding video, Body Max, Circuit Max, and Step Heat. I'm loving it. My question is: I saw CTX on E-bay and was thinking about going for it. Actually, before I saw the CTX I was going to save up for the Body Blast Set. what do you suggest? Hold out for Body Blast, or go for the CTX now? I have to add that the CTX may be good for me since I have three little kids and time is pretty precious. I love the longer workouts, but I know that once school starts and I have to get a first grader and kindrgartner ready in the morning, I won't have as much time. I get up now at 4:00 and get a good workout in before they wake up. I also have a 20 month old who makes it hard to work out during the day.


Jane :)
hi jane!

CTX was my first purchase along with basic step/body fusion. i've only been doing CTX a couple weeks... so i'm just a cathe newbie.. but i wanted to post that i love ctx! (and i love basic step/body fusion)

i work.. so i get up at 4:45 to work out.. and only give myself an hour (i don't want to get up any earlier) and the short workouts work perfectly for me! they run about 50 minutes each. i also started adding one extra body part per day.. which only adds another 10 min.. so that works out good.. that way i'm doing each part twice during the week...

i don't think you'll be disappointed with ctx!
I love CTX. As the other poster said, you won't be disappointed. I first got it in video (and loved it) and now that I switched to DVD, I love it even more.

hi....what i like about ctx is i combine different workouts to make longer sets when i have the time or want a change. I do step and intervals and then all step (just the aerobics), kickbox and cardio kicks (just aerobics), 101010 and power circuit together. I like to do all the upper body weights on one day. So, i think you'll get longer and quick workouts with this set depending on how you use it.
IMHO this set stands the test of time. It is the all-around best, total body workout in the least amount of time. In fairness, I have not used Timesaver as much, so that may grow on me. I work during the school year and have found that on tough weeks, this is the workout series I reach for. That said, Body Blast is awesome. The Intensity Series is great too. Tough choices.
No, CTX isn't good at all - it is simply marvelous.

Like another poster here on this thread, I bought the video series, then switched over to the DVD's about a year and a half ago. Couple of the best two buys I ever made.

I'd go for the E-bay CTX if I were you, especially if you can get it at a deep discount, then save up for Body Blast - the prices on BB won't change.

Another option would get the Body Blast Timesaver dvd which is in a way "CTX 2", it has a similar format to CTX but uses partial BodyBlast workouts plus some additional strength training footage.
hi. i agree with everyone else! CTX is totally wonderful for many reasons
-versatility: you can mix and match different workouts together and the combinations are almost endless therefore it's like getting 20 (or more)workouts in one
-intensity: they are short cardio segments but super intense. they really get your heart rate up quickly and so far, i find them effective
-time efficient: they are under one hour each (but if you mix it up, you can create shorter or longer workouts)

i would rec getting them on DVD bc it's easier to jump from one workout to another and mix it up etc

i dont think you'll be disappointed. i am new to cathe but a longtime advanced exerciser and i have this series as well as bodymax, circuit max (and others) and i feel that the CTX certainly was a great investment!

good luck!
CTX is a MUST have. This series is so versatile. I have it both on video and DVD. The DVD is so great, as the poster said before me, because it is easier to push a button to combine different workouts. Although it still is possible on the videos to mix and match and combine, but easier on DVD.You can do the workouts as is, do all upper body, and the leg work is well... tough!
You can combine the cardio sections when you want more of a workout.

I'm glad I have my CTX. To me, it is a Cathe classic. You gotta have it. :9
There are things to bitch about on the I series and the BB series: very few people bitch about anything on the CTX series. I think it's pretty close to perfect for the reasons others have stated. I would sell other series (the BB) in a heartbeat if I needed the cash: the CTX I just bought again, this time on DVD.

What are you waiting for? It's perfect for time-challenged Mums, such as you and me!!

CTX is great. It's good not only for the time-challenged, but also for (what's the opposite of time-challenged?)those that manage to find extra time. If I ever finish a workout but think "I could probably squeeze in 30 more minutes of cardio", I always reach for CTX. Sometimes I put together rotations that use two of the cardio segments together, or I'll add on a couple of different body parts in one day. There are so many options with this series; it's one of my favorites. The DVD is the key to all the options, however. It wouldn't be as easy to change things around with VHS.


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