Obviously, my DD & I have discussed the matter and I've explained that once a guy crosses that line, he'll cross it again and again. Pretty sad that even smart teens might think that guys like that shouldn't be kicked to the curb forever. Sadder still that someone as talented and beautiful as Rihanna would even put up w/ that abuse once.
You really think guys like that can not change with counseling and getting help? Maybe not overnight, but if they realize they have a problem and want to get help, I'd hope they can stop.
I was with a guy for awhile that would just snap and get rough with me (hit, throw me on the floor), but when we were out in public he would be the nicest guy ever. I'm out of that now and away from him, the guy I was with never admitted to having a problem or even said he was sorry for when he did hit me. I often worried about the next girl he would be with and still hope he would realize his problem and get help and be ok one day.