Is anyone else scared of Drill Max?


Now that we're getting closer to its release it's making me nervous. :eek: I have this feeling it'll be Cathe's toughest yet, & I can barely handle her toughest now!
I say...."bring it on"

Well if it is harder then Imax 3 then I might be scared! I am looking forward to getting all 4 soon. WOO HOO!

I agree. BRING IT ON! Of the new workouts this is THE workout I've been the most excited about. I can barely wait to try it. Even if it kicks my butt. I'm ready.:D :D
Yessss! This is the one that makes me the most nervous - of course, I ordered it. Already the dread factor is very high ...
I'm usually excited and scared any time I have a new Cathe workout. It's been so long, I don't remember any of the details about Drill Max, but the name says enough for me!
I'm not scared of Drill Max; it's the release I'm looking forward to most. Every one of Cathe's workouts that slaughtered me at first I now have to modify upward quite a bit to keep the challenge going, and I'm looking forward to being slaughtered by and then conquering DM. I do agree it could be Cathe's toughest yet.

I'm SO looking forward to Drill Max! I looked up the exact description again since it's been a while that the announcement came out.

Shock your body with non-stop NEW and energizing advanced fitness drills. This 60 minute plateau buster will burn maximum calories and condition your body from head to toe. After a thorough and engaging warm up, you will work your way into a wide variety of fitness drills, each one testing your ability in different ways. A generous stretch will conclude this workout to restore and enhance flexibility.

Laura, I'm not scared now, but I may be after I preview it!! Yay!
I am really looking forward to it--believe it or not.:p

I would only hope she doesn't plan on going crazy with all the high-impact jumping ala Kickmax drills! I hope Drill Max has a lot of kicking and punching, blocking, etc....Nice.

How long will pre-sale continue? Does anyone know? I want to get them in their cheaper prices, but I have spent so much money on building my Cathe collection this month, I think DH may kill me if I spend $80 more!

Hi, im new to this, sorry if i do it wrong! But I can't wait for Drill Max, it's the workout I am most looking forward too! :) But in all honesty, I am kinda scared of it, but right now, more scared for Boot Camp, just ordered it and should be getting it pretty soon! Can't wait!
>I would only hope she doesn't plan on going crazy with all the
>high-impact jumping ala Kickmax drills! I hope Drill Max has
>a lot of kicking and punching, blocking, etc....Nice.

I agree!

If it's more like Bootcamp intervals, or some agility drills, or Cardio Kicks drills, it sounds like a keeper to me. If it stays in the IMAX3/Kickmax "jump like mad" area, it will hit my 'to be Ebayed" pile faster than you can say "max"!

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