Inverted pikes on the ball


Woo hoo. I did Pyramid Upper Body for the third tie today and I'm still shaking, but I actually got closer to the inverted pikes on the ball. My 15 yo son was watching and said that was a really cool move. Anyway, he kept telling me to pull the ball in a little further and I would have it. It's kind of scary. I felt like I was going to fall on my head, but it felt great to be able to get up there. Or almost get up there. :)

I, too, have gotten much better on the stability ball with the inverted pikes. It takes a while to get the hang of it - like am I doing this right and then look over at the TV to see then proceed to fall on your butt! I actually practiced with my 16 year old daughter without the tape - I have gotten the hang of it.

I can't wait to get the DVD's then I can intermix all of her knew ab work. I love the stability ball and the medicine ball for the core work. Hopefully, by summer I will be ready to show the midriff.

I'm waiting for the DVD's. Would you be nice enough to explain the inverted pike so I can practice while I wait?

May God grant you a sunbeam to warm you, a moon beam to charm you & an angel so nothing can harm you :-shy
Hi Judy, I'll explain it the best way I can. You are in a straight leg, straight arm facing down plank position with your feet on the stability ball. The first move is a little easier since you're practicing. You pull your knees in bringing the ball with you, not arching your back, and push the ball back out to work your core. This is not the pikes, just wanted you to try this first as it really helps with the balance on the pikes.

For the pikes, you keep your legs straight and bring in the ball with your feet which will push your buttocks straight up into the air. You're pretty much doing a handstand and it is scary. And who needs cardio when you can do inverted pikes. I break out into a sweat everytime I do this and my heart rate soars.
Wowsers! Those sound tricky but fun... I shall have to be vewy vewy careful. First I have to get the ball I guess, then wait for my DVDs.

Gives new meaning to the phrase "get on the ball" doesn't it?!

Hee hee. ;-)
thanks! YOur explanation has been printed and I will take it to my workout area to try to learn this while waiting for those DVD's ;-)

May God grant you a sunbeam to warm you, a moon beam to charm you & an angel so nothing can harm you :-shy

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