Intuitive Eating Check-in 4/22

Hi Gang,

This week I intuitively know that I need to eat better! :) ...and I feel ready to do it. This week I'll be embracing the IE phrase of if you really enjoy it then go for it, if you don't then don't eat it. It's pms time and I'm very bloated, worse than usual. I think eating more salt and sugar has definitely made the bloat worse this time. From a person that would eat spam every day if it would make this time of month better, this is very motivating to make some healthier choices. I'm hoping to integrate healthy choices without deprivation and not trigger the diet mentality in me.

How is everyone feeling? Hope you're all on a great start to a fantastic week. Hey, where'd the warm weather go? ;)
Won't go into details, but have already had a horrid week of eating and it's only Tuesday. My husband said to me, "Why do you always come home crabby honey, is it me?" No. I wanted to cry but I can't tell him the truth. The real reason I come home crabby every day is because a.) I stopped at the quickie mart on the way home and binged badly or b.) I can't find anything 'forbidden' to eat in our house once I do get home and end up feeling kind of trapped. This has to stop. I am so sick of this downward spiral and I sure know my DH is too! Wish everyone else is doing well. I usually eat cleaner after a confessional. Here goes!
Hi Jillybean,
Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and know exactly what you are going through. My story is very similar to yours - I was anorexic years ago and then started binging uncontrollably. For a couple of years I was able to maintain my weight by going through binging/restricting cycles, but eventually ended up just binging and my weight ballooned quickly. It is SUCH a struggle to eat "normally" and it really affects my moods when I lose control.
Wishing you (and everyone else) lots of luck in finding a healthy relationship with food!
Hi, I didn't join in on this when you started, but when I heard about it, it made me want to check out the book. I used to have trouble with food in my teens and 20's. Now I'm 39. I would eat a lot then work out a lot and not eat much. The weight would go up and down. Since then been diagnosed bipolar. Maybe the meds help with the emotional eating I used to do. I felt that this intuitive eating was something I was sort of already doing in my life. But I just started reading the book so I'll find out. I don't focus on having the perfect body anymore but people look to me as a fitness guru or as being very healthy and athletic. I will never look like a model anyway because I'm 5'1". It sounds like you all are talking about food a lot. But is that because you are in the beginning part of the process? Like I said I didn't get real far into the book. And I've been eating food more"normally" for quite a while so it's easier said than done. I would say to do what this book says because it sounds like it makes sense. When you get used to not focusing on such things and just eating for hunger and they talk about pleasure and social eating and the feeling of fullness you won't feel so deprived anymore for the need of bingeing. Please don't let these times get you down and not follow through with this. I am very comfortable with food! Carmelle

I can relate to that "nothing forbidden in the house to eat so I feel trapped" feeling. I've had that feeling for the past week. The first few weeks seemed so encouraging, but now I'm more confused than ever. I really don't know when I'm hungry until the bottom drops out and I'm ravenous by 4 pm and all I want to do is eat more than I need. Then I get home and there's nothing tasty so I end up just eating a lot of "healthy" stuff I don't want. It's not really a binge, but just overall dissatisfaction with what I'm eating, so I eat more than I want. Then dh comes home and gets fast food and of course I get something too, even though I'm not quite hungry, but not quite satisfied. I think I'm still "pseudo-dieting" during the day, but I really don't feel like eating that much during the day. I just have this beast that comes out in late afternoon/early evening. Hm. I don't know. I'm not terribly distressed, because my weight isn't changing (or rather, my size), but I'm just baffled as to how I could be so "not hungry" during the day, and then be starving at night. Maybe I should just eat more during the day, whether I'm hungry or not, and I won't be so hungry at night?? Well, duh, that would make sense, wouldn't it? Pardon me as I talk to myself.

Anyway, hang in there, I know what you're feeling.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-24-02 AT 01:14PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-24-02 AT 01:13 PM (Est)[/font]

NFT - sorry, double post.
I sympathize with your situation, especially since I've been eating what I want and my weight/size has gone up. I used to be bigger than I am and really don't want to return to it. I know that the cure is to be happy, but my worklife is in flux and a wee bit demoralizing right now. For better or worse my waistline seems to be linked to how I feel. I suppose it would be easier if I could just diet, but perhaps its really good that it makes me focus on addressing the issues that are bothering me. That is my silver-lining and I'm not letting it go or I'll be in pretty bad shape.

On the topic of feeling better, what do you do that makes you feel great?
Hi All -

Well .. I don't know how to classify this week .. since I haven't really had anything outrageous, but I typically don't crave that until the weekends, which isn't healthy either. Lately, my obsession is peanut butter. Last weekend, I came home late saturday night, after an evening out drinking and listening to music with friends, and damn near ate about 1/4 of a jar of peanut butter and pretzels. Despite the fact that my weight isn't really changing one way or the other, it makes me feel lousy, because I'm eating when I'm not hungry. I'm sure the 'buzzed effect' from a few cocktails has something to do with the 'taste hunger' I tend to get on a night like that, but then I always end up beating myself up for not having more 'control' over what I put in my mouth, and for not feeling a drive to overpower the craving. The whole peanut butter obsession has me to the point where I WON'T keep it in my apartment! Last weekend, I hit the 7-Eleven on the way home to pick up a jar, and after chowing, tossed the remains in the trash to eliminate any temptation. How DO I get over this neurotic habit of peanut butter?!?! Anyone else have one of those foods that just drive them to the edge??

~ Nicole
To 402, I'm sorry I don't know your name. But my answer to your question without a hesitation or a doubt is EXERCISE!!! It probably does you too or haven't you come to that point yet. I know in the past I've overtrained and didn't enjoy it as much. Now for me it's all about intensity, not quantity! And the results are even better than when I trained more! I lead a pretty simple boring life to most people but I truly enjoy all the stupid litte things with my little girl just like I was 6 again! Perhaps going through so much with my bipolar has taken me to this point in my life. And to Nicole YES actually peanut butter used to be a killer for me when I really was struggling with eating! I think ice cream used to be another. But there were other really sad times when I would consume anything in the house that looked half decent. Boy you bring back some scary memories. It's been a long time since eating like that. Eating seems to come more naturally like the book seems to be saying. I'm about 3/4 through with it now. I hope you all try what they say. I'm thinking about you and hoping for you what I now have!
Thanks to everyone who posted here!
Niclyf- you are not alone with the peanut butter! At least you don't stir in raisins or chocolate chips like I do! LOL!
Hollycat- you always make me feel better, even when I think it's out of the question to smile on that particular day.
Geturfreakon402- THANK YOU for starting this check-in. I seriously felt like I was a freak and now I see there are other freaks too. Just kidding. Serioulsy, this thread always amazes me in the fact that none of us are alone in our eating issues or obsessions.
Carmelle- I hear ya girl! My father, my two brothers and me are bi-polar. I also have OCD. It's a lovely combo. You will never see a more properly made bed in your life, but don't mind me if somedays I can't seem to get up from it once I've laid down. Keep doing what you've been doing and reading that book, it sounds like you've made huge strides. You go!
Erica - thank you for sharing your struggles with me. It is not nice to know that you are going through all of this crap. It is nice to know, however, that we are not alone in our struggles.

Thanks again to everyone for getting me through this week!

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