Introducing the Workout Blender Tutorial

SNM Videos

Today, we're giving you an advanced look at the Tutorial for our Free Workout Blender that we will be releasing shortly. This seven minute video tutorial will show and tell you everything you need to know to use our soon to be released Workout Blender to make unlimited premixes from our digital downloads store.

Since this is a free program we will not be offering email or phone support, but we will try to help everybody and answer your questions in our Workout Blender support forum that we have recently created. To view the tutorial just go to our Workout Blender launch page and click on the Green Tutorial button.
So Excited!

Hi Cathe and Cathe Dot Com!

Just a quick note to let you know that I just saw the WB tutorial and it rocks! I remember the announcement at your Road Trip and was so excited. Now it's almost here, yippeeeeeee!

I've played with different photo and video programs, but wow - this looks so simple and intuitive :D Thanks for all the time and effort to continue to educate and elevate the fitness industry to the next level.

Thanks so much ♥
Tutorial Button

It's the big green button on the right side about 8 inches from the top on the WB launch page.
Quote from the Blender article:

"Now you can eliminate or change almost any exercise or cardio segment in any of our workout videos. If you don’t like pushups you can either reduce the sets, eliminate them entirely or replace them with another exercise you prefer."

Now who doesn't just Love pushups....:)

This looks really cool....One small step for giant leap for Catheletes!

Yeah, I'm excited..:D:D:D

Now I just have get set up for it!
digital download or dvds

hi to all,i don't understand if the workout blender is for the dvds i had download or if it is for the dvds only thank'you:(
Hi SNM/Cathe

I just watched the tutorial and wanted to say how impressed I am. This is an amazing piece of software and so simple. I can't believe that you are giving this away for free. You are so forward thinking, getting ready for the next step.

I'm not even there yet as I don't have many downloads and am not set up to use a computer for workouts but I know it will happen sooner than I expect.

Thank you!
Workout time?

Does the WB show you how much time the chapters you've selected add up to as you're creating a workout?

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