Interval Tape for a high beginner


Active Member
I was wondering if anybody could suggest a good interval tape for a high beginner? I do own Intense Moves and Interval Max, but I'm thinking they might be too advanced for me right now. I do want to add in a day of interval training though. Thanks to the educated crowd in advance!!
Hi, Katrid! IMHO, starting to do the Intense Moves and Interval Max workouts would be good for you as long as you start off with the intensity modifications that each workout suggests and/or demonstrates, and then work your way up. You can also elect to do just abbreviated portions of each workout, and work your way up in terms of duration as well as intensity.

Another interval training workout you may want to consider is Karen Voight's "Energy Sprint" workout; IMHO that is lower intensity (and lower impact) than Intense Moves or I-Max, and that could also be a good part of your interval training program.

Good for you for bringing interval training into the mix!


step straight into Intense Moves. It is fabulously energetic with great driving music, Gin really motivates you and it is so modifiable it's not true!

Energy Sprint is also fabulous for different reasons. I don't think it is "easy" compared to the other two, it depends on how much you put into it. If you really "go down to get up" on the moves as Karen advises, then it is a very powerful workout. It is also graceful. It makes me feel wonderful during it and afterwards because the music matches the moves perfectly, like in Powermax.

While you are working on these two, go ahead and start with Cathe's IMAX, modify where you need to, understand that Cathe's anaerobic bursts are a little longer than Gin's and if you need to bring the level down after 40 seconds or so, then that's fine. You are in control on these workouts and you do as much or as little of the anaerobic bursts as your body can take each time you do them.

(I do the other two more than I do IMAX simply because I don't have air conditioning here at home and in 93 degrees, I just can't take Cathe's longer intervals. ) The other two seem more do-able to me in these conditions.

Think about your work out environment and have fun!


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