interval max


Active Member
hello all. i just ordered circuit max and was hoping i could get some feedback from all of you. any suggestions on what to expect from this tape? is it anything like the circuit tape in the cross train express series? i read everyones posts every day and have become so much more inspired!! i hate exercising in the morning so before i leave work i log on for a quick "fix" before i head home so i can get motivated for my evening work-out. thanks in advance
That's so funny - I do exactly the same thing! This site is a real motivator. I love Circuit Max. Great cardio variety, killer workout. I plan that video a couple days in advance, as I need to be ready for it if I want to make it through all the circuits.

And now that I'm motivated, I'm heading home to do Power Hour.
You go home and do that tape! I want it and can't have it. If you have it, you owe it to people like me to do it!

In fact, I watched the video clip a little bit ago. It didn't strike me as like Power Circuit too much. The weight segment I saw worked legs and shoulders together with what looked like 5 or 8 pound dumbbells.

(Who is actually comtemplating getting a new video since the husband is going skiing and spending money, but who thought she could purchase more Cathe time with MIC. Decisions, decisions)
Hi, there are no weight circuits in Interval Max. It is pure step with hi-intensity aerobic intervals. It is tough!!

I love circuit max... personally I like tapes with variety (power circuit, 10-10-10) and really like kickboxing and cardiokicks.

I have intervalmax but it's pure step intervals - so i don't do it much.

You will love circuitmax!
Gotta love IM. I did it this morning and it dang near killed me again. My face was as red as a beet. Circuit Max does not have that effect on me, but that sure is a good one too!
RE: interval max or circuit max?

Hi, Ideangelo!

I'm a bit confused: your thread title is "Interval Max" and you ask about Circuit Max. Couple of IMHO's:

As another poster said, Interval Max is not a circuit workout but an interval workout, where blasts of mega-high-intensity aerobic work are interspersed with recovery and mid-range intensity intervals.

Circuit Max has 6 cycles of aerobic intervals interspersed with shorter resistance intervals (compound movements with weights) designed more to keep the heart rate elevated than to build strength.

Circuit Max is different from Power Circuit on CTX in that the compound movements with weighted resistance in Circuit Max target both upper and lower body muscle groups, whereas Power Circuit's resistance intervals are strictly leg-oriented.

Hope this helps! BTW, if you aren't thinking about getting Interval Max, start thinking about it. It will blow your mind!

RE: interval max or circuit max?

I actually gave away my CircuitMax/Cardio Kicks DVD because I don't feel comfortable doing upper and lower body weight work simultaneously. I have to focus on one or the other or my form suffers so I won't comment on CM other than to say, it's one Cathe's workouts; rest assured it's an excellent example of circuit training. And doing cardio and weights in one workout is very effective even if it confuses ME:). Interval Max, on the other hand, is one of my favorite cardio workouts. It's so hard but so satifying!

Hey Jeanne, I actually find MIC harder than Interval Max. I have to be wrung out when that one's over! It's a non-stop adventure in cardoivascular endurance!

Bobbi Chicks Rule!
RE: interval max or circuit max?

I am really torn between getting Interval Max, MIC, and Circuit Max.

I want Interval Max because I have heard so much lately about how interval training burns the most calories and fat. I've had a sample of it from Discovery Health and really liked it. I want Circuit Max because I enjoy sneeking weights in my cardio. I want MIC because it gives me the most Cathe minutes and everyone has said how hard it is, but I am not crazy about hi/lo.

(I'd also like PS, but can do weights on my own more so than cardio.)

I know the most economical thing really is to buy all 3. However, my husband and I are paying his college tuition from our pockets (at our age,30, we didn't think we should take out loans!), and I don't want to pay any interest if I don't get the bill paid off in one month.

Again, decisions, decisions. Probably I shouldn't get any if he is going skiing. And he definately needs a break more than I do.

RE: interval max or circuit max?

Because you sound a bit like me, Jeanne, in your preferences (and I have all three of the videos), I would recommend Circuit Max. I tend to use it more often than either IMax or MIC--because I like to sneak in weights, I love the variety, and I really dread the Hi-Lo on MIC. I like IMax, too, but I just don't use it as often as Circuit Max, and I think Circuit Max, when I get to the last two circuits, is about as exhausting as IMax. I have been doing a PS rotation for eight weeks, and my other weight workout for each of the 8 weeks rotates Circuit Max, Body Max, MIS, and PH. Just did Circuit Max on Sunday--it's great!
RE: interval max or circuit max?

I am glad to hear that you think Circuit Max is as tough as IMax. I will take this recommendation very seriously. I almost sort-of feel like you have given me "permission" to get the one that sounds the funnest to me. As if it were my conscience otherwise telling me "you should do intervals" or "you should get the most time" or "you should do hi/lo, not just step". Of course, I'm sure they are all great, but when you have to pick just one...Jeanne
RE: Hi, Jeanne

Funny you should ask. I've been telling myself that I have done my Cathe tapes (MIS, CTX, and S&H) for a good while and should really do something different for a month.

I am doing one more week of S&H while I plan out a program with some (not all) pyramid sets on my blank training logs. This was inspired by Cathe who said she was considering this for a video.

For upper body I was thinking of 4 sets 1X15, 1X12, 1X10, 1X8--increasing the weight on each set. I've never done this before. The exercises themselves won't be SO different as I just have the standard home equipment. I am certain that I will include decline push-ups (rare for me) and wide grip uright rows (a favorite).

For lower body I was thinking I could pyramid reverse lunges and deadlifts. But for barbell moves that isn’t possible—the whole “over-the-head” thing.

The tricky part is figuring out how much weight to use and if I have the plates that allow for doable and smooth transitions.

What are you doing these days? Jeanne
RE: interval max or circuit max?

hello annette, i was inquiring about circuit max though i sometimes think one thing and something else comes out!! i am not an interval person and of all the posts i have read about im i think i know why. at any rate, i ordered CIRCIUTMAX and will leave interval max to the truly brave.

I would suggest MIC or Interval Max since you have the awesome Slow & Heavy and the verstile CTX! Whatever you decide, you can't go wrong! They're Cathe workouts! I just finished 3 weeks of SH, using running, Interval Max and the step workout from MIC for cardio. I skip the hi/lo because it's not a great cross training workout for running. It's High with a capital H! I am taking it easy this week, running M-W-F with BodyMax thrown in on Thursday. Some yoga here and there and nothing on Sataurday since I am running a 5K on Sunday. Alright I might throw in Power Hour today with my speedwork (8x200 meters). I skipped my plan to do BodyMax yesterday and cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. My kids had a 4 day weekend and it looked like something had exploded in my house!

Bobbi Chicks Rule!
HI Bobbi

I ordered Circuit Max. I'm not vieweing it as a weight workout though. I am going to consider it cardio, with a little twist thrown in. I just really enjoy lifting the weights and see it as a nice break to the cardio, even when it is step.

I can't get into running for any long period of time. Prior to softball season I enjoy sprinting because it feels purposeful, but other than that I only run/jog/walk in the spirit of crosstraining.

Hi, Jeanne

When I first started working out, running was it! Now I love the strength training, the step, the kickboxing and yoga. I love the way working out makes me feel! Cathe has made it easy to have all the variety and intensity I crave! You'll love Circuit Max. It's tough! Circuit training is such a great way to really kick your metabolism into high gear! Don't you love looking forward to a new workout? You play softball? My daughter is a fanatic about softball!
Bobbi Chicks Rule!
RE: Hi, Jeanne

I fully expect to love Circuit Max. I like kickboxing, but not yoga. I am too hyper for it. I notice you're not crazy about hi/lo either.

When I first started working out, walking (with then boyfriend) (and floor leg work) was it. Couldn't imagine "jumping around my living room" like Gilad was doing on ESPN. It baffled me that people did that. Throw in a step, and now you can't get me to stop sometimes! And I virtually never do floor leg work now either.

A new co-worker asked me which I'd pick if I could only do one--aerobics or weights. I answered "weights" without a second thought, but quickly added I 'd miss my step.

Yes, I play softball, slow pitch. I like the outfield the best. How old is your daughter?

RE: Hi, Jeanne

She's 13 and a four year veteran of Bobby Sox Softball. If I had to choose, I'd choose running but I'd sneak in some calestenics or something. I like hi/lo but I don't have the feet for it. The step is an amazing thing. It eases the impact factor and increases the intensity. The hi/lo in MIC is relentless. Since running is so high impact, I cross-train with step. I love it!
I love the step portion of MIC and am dripping and thouroughly worked out without the hi/lo. I just hit 39 and find that things I used to be capable of 35-50 miles of running per week, MIC in it's entirety, just aren't necessary any longer.

Yoga is a new passion but I am falling in love with it. I started to increase flexibility since the other things decrease it and I found Total Yoga. It's awesome. I did the toughest of the trio of tapes I have yesterday and my shoulders are sore as if I'd trained them! Fitting in all the things I am hooked on is the only trouble!
Bobbi Chicks Rule!
RE: Hi, Jeanne

As I have moved from my early 20's to my early 30's I have found my flexibility decreased and it takes longer to warm up in the morning for my workout. I tell myself that I really should spend more time stretching--like devote 3 solid 20-30 min. sessions per week to it. That it will really be beneficial in the long run. I borrowed a Karen Voight stretching video from my library (the best video in the whole place, some of them should just be thrown out!) and it did make me feel good. But it is just so hard for me to sit still and do it!


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