Interval Max ~ Maxed me out!


I kid you not!
I *thought* I considered myself an advanced exerciser (I'm an instructor for goodness sake!), well, NOT....
What a really fun video. Cathe really outdid herself there. That last interval was a scream! I dunno, maybe it just got too hot in my little duplex, I don't have any air conditioning. I really wanted to do keep the intesity up during all the intervals, but, alas, I believe I only lasted through 7 or 8 of them.
I guess the next time I do this video, I'll get up way early in the morning so the sun isn't shining its' heat in my living room. To top it off, my dh cooked eggs for his breakfast and nearly cooked me to death!
A question for you if you were an intermediate before you did this video, how many times did you do it before you could do ALL 10 intervals?
Thanks for entertaining me,
Choke and puke...

...used to be the way I felt about IMax. At first I did about 8 at a moderate level, gritted my teeth through 9, and faked it on 10
!! After three or four times, and several weeks more fitness (I put a lot of time between each try out of sheer weariness at the thought), when my overall fitness had improved, I found that I could do all the intervals, eventually even sort of looking like the models (not Cathe - LOL) on the last part of 10.

I've exercised forever, thought I was advanced, but have found that my level was all over the place until I used a variety of Cathe tapes over several months (i.e. strength/cardio/interval).

So, a long winded answer. BTW, I now look forward to this video, well, you know, no more total dread


You guys are cracking me up! I still avoid IMAX unless I KNOW I'm gonna have a really good day! I've often thot maybe I should just dial 911 ahead of time and put em on standby! I was beginning to think I was the only Cathe fan that couldn't handle all of this one! Just out of curiosity - what board height are you using? If I stay at 6", I can get thru all of it (OK so I throw out the arms after about the 7th interval!). I've been exercising at home for about 4 years (never been to a gym in my life) and thot I must be an advanced exerciser by now. Cathe and her crew sure do have a way of humbling me!

Thanks for the giggles!
Hey Lindy!

I really *considered* just doing the step platform, but I felt BRAVE that day so for the warm-up I did 8" and for the rest, kept it at 6". I feel with Cathe's vids I must stay at a 6" or less height because the choreography plus my carpeted floors really tend to drag me...I've taken (and I teach) step in the gym so it's so much easier for me to manuver around when I don't have a to worry about torking my knee or ankle.
Just a hint: To get myself through the 10th interval, I do those 2 flying jumps 2 tuck jumps saying, "YEAH!!! I MADE IT!!! YEAH!!! THIS WORKOUT IS OVER!!! YEAH IT'S ALMOST DONE!!!! YEAH!!! I'M STILL BREATHING!! Repeat everytime you worked for me anyhow!!! LOL!
10th Interval Cheer

Myra - Love it! I'm gonna try yelling next time. I'm inspired just to think you have strength to yell by the 10th interval. Those flying jumps really kill me (in truth, they're probably closer to pathetic little hops). Thanks for making me laugh! I don't think I'll be able to do the 10th interval again without thinking about you and laughing!

Interval Max Vidiots Rule

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-00 AT 01:15AM (EST)</font></center>

I did IM once a week for 8 weeks and saw tremendous gains in my cardio capacity. I had been doing Cathe tapes for about 3-4 months before attempting IM. And, while I thought I had a pretty good foundation, man oh man did this tape put me in my place. The first two weeks I modified almost every interval. But, after the fourth week things started to click. By the end of the 8th week, I felt as though I was completing 9 of the 10 intervals (I will never, never, never get through the scissors interval without modifying) at very nearly the level of Cathe and her crew (okay, so on interval 10 I jumped 2 inches instead of Cathe's 12, but my form was divine!) I did the tape on an 8" step but I'm 5'8".

I'm about ready to put IM back into my rotation after about 2 months off. It will be interesting to see how it goes (I like the idea of having the paramedics on standby). Myra - I've emitted somthing resembling your cheers for interval 10, however, mine were more like grunts than actual words. Lindy - don't laugh too hard, you need all the energy you can muster to finish out!

If I don't post again after this weekend, it will be because Interval Max did me in. But, what a way to go.

Anyone who attempts, completes, or goes back to Interval Max should give themselve a huge pat on the back, like Cathe says after interval 8 (??).

Thank you Cathe!

Me too...

...I also use an 8" step, and I'm 5'8". I'd never thought in terms of my height and step height. Hmm...makes sense.

Looking forward to hearing from you - you will survive!!


I can do this tape all the way through without modifications--The last interval however, I am no-where near the height that Cathe achieves on her tucks or flying jacks!!! Argh--How does she do that--I'm ready to die. And one other thing--have you noticed how she talks through the whole tape as if she is taking a stroll? ie. "I know your winded so I'm not going to say much", or " count you guys, I'm giving you help, you gotta give me help" I can not talk--I'm sucking wind big time!!! This is my next goal with this tape--if I can sing the star spangled banner at the same time--I know I'm an Amazon women!!!!!!!! Ranae
am I going to have to place an order?

I had IMax at one time. Got it off the VF exchange. Did it twice. The first time I got through THREE intervals. The second time I got through 7 1/2 (#8 did me in). I decided that this was SO tough it wasn't even fun and it was totally beyond me, and do I really need to be THAT fit anyway for pete's sake???

However, ever since I traded it away I have kind of wondered. . . . so what if I COULD'VE mastered it?? People seem to actually LIKE it. . . Hmmmmm. Maybe I should try again?? You guys are tempting me. The question is, if you own it, how do you make yourself DO it??
Hi Susan!

All I can say is that once you have done all 10 intervals all the way through, you do want to try it again. I only use it, however, once every couple of weeks. Give it a whirl again, you may be ready now, and my guess is you'll like it.

Did I ever think I'd LOVE Bodymax???

Heck, no! But, after having done it about 6 or 7 times, I love it. I thought it would kill me before I got used to it. I'd give it another shot. After Bodymax, Imax is no problem. You're just kicking up your fitness level several knotches, don't ya know!

This week I'm going to do Imax and Bodymax, which is nothing short of miraculous compared to what I was doing six months ago.

I realize, too, that IMax seems much more manageable compared to BodyMax. I, too, can do both in a week - but hey, not this week, I'm going to the beach

You Can Master It - To the Extent Anyone But Cathe is the Master

I did IMax today for the first time in a while (Joanna - I survived!!!!) and it came back to me immediately why this has to be one of the best tapes ever. The music - it gives me an extra boost when I sorely need it. The concept is pure genius - who else but Cathe?

But the real kicker is that once I'm finished (I did have to modify more today than when I completed the last rotation-but hey, I did it!!) it gives me a confidence boost like nothing else - I feel strong (well, you know, while I'm feeling totally whipped), disciplined and that I have just done something so good for myself (this is an individual accomplishment, no one can do it for you - aside from the support you get here of course

If you did the tape only twice and got through 7-1/2 intervals (#8 is Everest, it's diving to 200 feet, it's wrestling with grizzly bears, it's...the ultimate) you should be proud! So here's the truth, do IMax and see if you don't feel superior to the rest of the human race for the next few days.

Give yourself at least 6 weeks with IMax, then let us know what you think of it.

hi honeybunch

Hi honeybunch,
Oh my gosh am I in big trouble! I just ordered BodyMax. Thought I would do BodyMax a few months and possibly tackle IMAX in 7 or 8 months. I thought IMAX was the most difficult of Cathe video's. Should I have ordered IMAX before BodyMax? It appears that you are an experienced Cathe fan, so possibly you could rate (intensity wise, I already saw where Cathe rates them on choreography difficulty) the following video's for me so I always know which to buy next.
MIC, Bodymax, IMAX, Powermax. I would so appreciate it!!! Lisa
My two cents

Hi Lisa,
My rating for those videos in terms of intensity from easiest to hardest would be Powermax, IMax, and maybe MIC and Bodymax tied for hardest. That's just my own personal opinion, though. You won't be sorry you ordered BodyMax - it is a great tape to grow with - easy to break up, three very different sections, very challenging - you will love it!!
Imax Vs of difficulty

Both are tough, but BodyMax is divided into three sections. Two are step and interval sections, and the third is toning. BodyMax may be the best to start with because it's so clearly broken into these sections. You could do section one first, then ease yourself into the second after a while.

I just jumped in and STARTED with Imax! It's really a matter of preference. Don't let them scare you. They are both excellent tapes, and easily modified.

I especially like BodyMax because of its versitility. You can't loose either way, so don't panic.
Interval Max Rules!!!

No doubt about it, this is Cathe's toughest tape.
I consider Bodymax a walk in the park compared to IM. I'm 5'5" , use an 8 inch step with 2 pound ankle weights and am able to finish IM everytime, although not with style and grace like Cathe, maybe even a few choice words during interval #8. IM in my opinion this workout is so much fun, something about the concept of interval training that i really like. Also the music in this video is extremelly motivating. I can only hope that she will produce more videos like this one, can't wait for the new one. If i had to pick my favourite video (and I have over 150 vids) this would probably be the one. Great work Cathe!!!!! lfleming
ankle weights?

on your feet while doing IM? Did I misread this?
Am I missing better benefits from NOT doing this? What kind of intensity are we talking about here? I do IM 2x a week, and have thought myself to be pretty amazon like when I am thru,but then I read your post, and I am back to thinking perhaps I aint all that after all.. where are the weights? on your feet or wrists?
Ankle weights change your stride and step, and therefore,

are not a safe option, in my opinion. I have seen Cathe say this, as well as many fitness magazines say NOT to use ankle weights for walking, stepping, running, etc. They are meant to be used as a weight training tool.

In fact, the article I read said that none of the top athletes ever use ankle weights to improve their performance because of the obvious risk of injury.

Ankle weights

I use them on my ankles. I used to also use 2lbs hand weights and a 10" step, that was years ago when i had no children and exercised all day.
I'm not saying ankle weights are for everyone but i've been stepping at an advanced level for over 12 years and have never had an injury, i listen to my body when it tells me something hurts i take it easy or modify. Cross training has also kept me injury free. Ankle weights have made my legs very strong, if perhaps one day i don't wear them i notice a big difference, my workout seems much easier. Although i must repeat they are not for everyone

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