Intermittent Fasting....3rd weigh in!


I was TERRIFIED to get on the scale this morning. Although I am already into my skinnier jeans!

So, at the beginning of this, I was 176.6. It is written on my calendar.

After 3 fasting weekends (a little over 2 weeks).....I weighed at 169.0!!!

It is fat loss, not muscle loss. I have been running in a hiit way, and do a lot of lifting at work. My thighs, upper arms and belly are literally shrinking!

Some things that have helped me: be wary of fruit or anything with fructose in it. Veggies are best!

Increased my fish oil intake to 3000mgs a day. Watch carbs also, like bread,etc. Even whole grain.

On fast days, at first I counted out my calories, but now I estimate. I probably go a bit over. It isn't written in stone.

If I plan a fast day and something come up, I just move it to the day after. It doesn't have to be the same every week.

I added another fast day. This is known as Alternate Day Fasting. I do mine 2 days in a row, and then another by itself. There is also the Fast Beach Diet, which incorporates a low carb lifestyle. Adding hour a few times a week is even better!

Finally, there is massive bright lights at the end of the tunnel! And it ain't a train!
Wow, 7.6 pounds gone in just over 2 weeks is awesome! I've read great things about the Alternate Day Fasting. I love to hear stories like this! :)

That's awesome! I don't know if this was already covered in other posts, but are you doing a 16-8 plan, the 5:2 or something else? I'm thinking of actually combining the two!
I started on 5:2 but switched 4:3 Pretty quick, and then found the Fast Beach Diet. 6weeks of 3 fast days, really counting on non fast days, and HIIT 3 times a week.
Great job Horselady! I've had 3 fast days so far and yesterday (the third) was the hardest by far. Tomorrow will be #4. I am looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time. I thought I saw 1 1/2 pounds off, but yesterday they were back. I'm going to keep weighing twice a week, but only going to count one day as official. How are you calculating your TDEE? Mine comes out at 2300 if I say I exercise vigorously everyday, but I took it down a notch b/c that seems way, way too high for me. If I use a more moderate exercise setting it comes out to just over 2000. What is yours and how to you use it on your non fast days? Do you get close?
Good for you! Sometimes they are difficult but get easier as time goes on.

The TDEE numbers, in my opinion, are way off! Mine said around 2000, and I knew I couldn't possibly eat that much and lose. I would gain, since I usually eat around 1500. So I limit myself to around 1000 calories a day, sometimes more, sometimes less. That is what works for me.

I think if you average the calories you are used to eating, then subtract enough to lose a lb or so per week, with the 2 fast days, you will do fine.

Also watch WHAT you eat. Look up the Leptin diet, and follow those eating guidelines on non fast days. It makes so much sense!

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