Interesting fact about the new 6-pack


susan p

I added up the number of minutes spent doing strength in the new six-pack of tapes (I forget what they're called! I need a brain transplant NOW). Interestingly enough, the number of total minutes spent doing strength is THE SAME as what you do with the PS series! With the PS series I estimated 30 minutes each for the upper body tapes (counting only actual weight work not WU and CD) and 6o minutes for the leg tape, for a total of 2 hours per week of strength. Well, if you add up the strength segments of the new tapes you are also doing 2 hours of strength! Only difference is, the new 6-pack's 2 hours worth includes significantly more ab time. This surprised and encouraged me because I was having a hard time seeing how 10 minutes of strength a day would be enough. . . but it looks like you're hitting body parts comparably to the way you hit them with PS series.

...Susan, you deserve an A for the day
I was wondering how the new Express workouts would compare to the PS series in terms of time for the week! Math was never my favorite subject

I'm definitely ordering

I have been neglecting my aerobic tapes in favor of dance technique training, but the 6 pack price is so great and easy to fit into the week. No more cutting and putting workouts together, if one area needs a little extra work I've already got my cardio right there. Really looking forward to these tapes!!! : )
That's great! My idea for the 6 pk:

I was thinking that since the aerobic sections are short, I could do a few of them together--like pair the step with the hi/lo or hi/lo with the kickboxing--it would be a whole bunch of "MIC Jr." tapes, but with a lot more variety. I can't wait to try Cathe's kickboxing. I bet it's going to be great.
Can't Wait!!

I like this idea, I have a hard time finding time to do enough cardio, and I much prefer strength training, so of course when there is workout time I do strength before cardio. I really need both.

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