Intensity Series Rotation


Dear Cathe:

I haven't tried all of the new tapes yet, but the 3 I have tried I really like. I was wondering, since there is weight work in all of the videos except Imax2. If I intend to do all 6 videos during the week, should they be done in any particular order for muscle recovery? Also, should I do this rotation for 6 wks, longer, or shorter? My main objective is to get leaner. (and yes, I will try to remember CLEAN EATING ha, ha ). Thanks for any help.

Hi Vickie! Here is a post a wrote a while back. I think this will help you.........

We think you are really going to love the new Intensity Series. It can be used as a "shock your system" rotation in its entirety or you may insert any of the workouts to accomodate your current fitness rotations/workouts. There are no rules to these workouts, simply use them as another way to shake up your workouts. As all of us already know, the body needs recovery time as well as light and hard day workouts. With that in mind, this series expresses different levels of intensity.
Also, we should always listen to our bodies on a daily basis so feel free to alter the workouts as you see fit by modifying to lighter weights on days your body needs it or even increasing your weights on days your body is feeling strong.

So as you see, there are endless ways to keep your fitness workouts refreshing and inspiring.....ENJOY!!!!

PS....For starters, I will share a couple of ways to enjoy the Intensity series. How long you stay on any of these rotations is totally based on how your body is responding. If it feels good continue, if you feel pretty tired and sore, modify the intensity within each workout to fit your needs, if you feel flat out exhausted and ultra sore, alternate it with some less intense workouts.

ADVANCED Total Overall Body Blast Workout:

Mon: Boot Camp
Tues: off
Wed: Muscle Endurance
Thurs: Imax2
Fri: Cardio and Weights
Sat: Pyramid Lower Body with the first 5 intervals of Imax 2
Sun: Pyramid Upper Body

ADVANCED Total Body Conditioning with more focus on Heavy Weight Training

Mon: Pyramid Lower Body
Tues: Pyramid Upper Body
Wed: Imax 2
Thurs: off
Fri: Cardio and Weights
Sat: Pyramid Lower Body with the first 5 intervals of IMAX 2
Sun: Pyramid Upper Body

Advanced Total Body Conditioning with more focus on Muscular Endurance

Mon: Imax 2
Tues: Cardio and Weights
Wed: Muscle Endurance
Thurs: off
Friday: Circuit Max
Sat: A lower intensity cardio of your choice
Sun: Muscle Endurance
Hi Cathe, Thank you so much for the rotation ideas. I did Imax2 today (LOVED IT!!), so I think I'll try the last rotation first. Thanks again,

I have the express series and am not ordering the other series for a little while. (We are in the process of building a gym in our basement and I can not spend anymore money for a bit). I need to know if anyone knows if Cathe has suggested any orders for that series. Thanks

I don't believe that Cathe has suggested a special sequence for the CTX Series (If so, I missed it), other than to be sure to separate Leaner Legs and Power Circuit, since it contains legwork.
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That being said, thanks for bumping it! Now I have it bookmarked. :)


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