Intensity series help for newbie



I am new to this forum and fairly new to Cathe's videos. I started out with her "Intensity Series" and I feel like I'm more than a bit over my head especially with IMAX2 and Bootcamp. I love PUB, PLB, Muscle Endurance and Cardio with Weights, but I rarely use the other 2, for me there is a huge "dread" factor for both of them that I just can't seem to get past. Any advice?

Is there a forum available for arranging trades? I have been trading/sharing music in several online communities for a few years but have never traded exercise videos this way. I'd appreciate some guidance or if you could just point me in the general direction.

Thanks very much,

Hi Coletta,
I am pretty new with Cathe's exercises too, although I bought 1 a yr ago, I didn't start using them until April of this yr. I started out with the intensity series too, I have the Terminator dvd .. when I first watched it I was like oh my, but I just got into it and did as much as I could at first everday, now every other day, at first I could not do some of the harder exercises, but they get easier as I do them more.
Just do a little at a time, and let your body get used to them, then if you want to get rid of it, let me know, and I will see if I can buy it from you, or if someone else would rather. I just want to encourage you :7 ........ So let me know how you do with it.:) .. God bless .. Rhonda:D :+
Hi Rhonda...thanks for the encouraging words. I decided to give IMAX2 another try today and it did seem better this time.
Some of Cathe's stepping moves are more advanced than what I usually do (K.Smith, Firm) so I was having problems keeping up. I just kept rewinding until I got the moves. It took a while but I got thru it and it was much better. I actually enjoyed it!!

The Intensity Series is quite challenging for me but I need that to keep me going. At least I'm not bored!

Thanks again for the encouragement. Have a great day!

I wouldn't trade these away! Sounds like you're exercising CONSISTENTLY (always the key) with videos that will only up your fitness level if done with the heaviest weights you can lift using good form. I assume the reason you dread BC and Imax2 is because you get too winded. If so, you can always do as much of each intense minute (with modifications, if necessary) as you want. You'll still get a great workout and you'll improve your cardio capacity by doing as much as YOU can. You'll be surprised at how quickly you'll improve and before you know it, you'll be doing them both all the way through! Good luck!
I can't thank you enough for the support and encouragement. This forum is terrific and I've learned alot already..........and its only my very first day!

I agree with you completely....consistency is the key. Easy to say and hard to do sometimes though, isn't it?

I love Cathe's approach to exercise and she is incredibly challenging! I was timid about selecting the Intensity series for my first venture into Cathe territory and at first (to be honest) I was I will NEVER be able to do this. But, slowly but surely I have endured with it and it has gotten much much better.

I've always thought the parts of the workout I try to avoid or skim through are probably the ones I need to do the most (like ab work). I'll continue to do IMAX2 and Bootcamp using modifiers until I get it right. It's addictive..but in a good way!

I have one of Cathe's videos from the old days, Cardio Step Challenge and its a hoot to get it out sometimes and take a walk (step!) down memory lane. Leotards, leg warmers and the whole 9 yards....its really funny.
Hi Coletta,
Just to say 'welcome to Cathe's' and to cheer you on to do the Intense Series.

Each time you do it, your body gets acclimated to the workout. This enables you to push harder the next time. Soon you will be able to do the entire thing without any modifications and that is a very great feeling when you do that.

When I first did PUB and those bicep curls that went up to 15#'s I thought NO WAY. I kept at it with modifications. I first had to sit down with those 15's. Now I can do them with no problem. We won't talk about the crazy 8's with barbell curls. LOL
There was two intervals in Imax2 that scared me to death. Number 6 and NUMBER 9. I started doing Imax2 every week and now its "a piece of cake." She also says, that if a workout is easy the first time, it isn't much of a challenge.

Keep at it. You're gonna make it as Cathe says. :D

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