Instructor question


Hi Cathe - need some perspective from the master :)

When you teach a class do you walk around the room to correct form individually, or do you coach form pointers from the front of the room. I am talking about strength class where the attendence is around 40. Most would like me to stay put, but one or two would like me to walk around (and some would like it to be a personal training session!!)

Just wanted your two cents - hopefully one day I will get to visit and take a live class with you!!

Thanks for your input,

Hi Lynn! In a group fitness environment it is impossible to treat class like a personal training session (even though we all have one or two in class that don't realize this ;-) )

For the most part I coach from the front of the room and occasionally walk around. I find the class really relies on you as a visual and if you walk off they follow you with their eyes and the person you are walking to many times becomes greatly embarrassed. I also read people's body language as I approach them. I will walk toward them in a general (not head on) fashion and feel them out. If they stiffen or turn red I won't correct them, if they smile and look approachable, I will offer my advise. To those who get embarrassed, I will find a way to approach them after class and give them some advise so that they don't hurt themselves down the road.

I rarely have a class that wants a lot of hands on instruction. To satisfy the few who may prefer you walk around, perhaps you can demo a move on one side of the room and then walk over and demo it again on the other side before going into the move so that everyone had a good view of the move.

You can also offer your services after class to anyone who has specific questions regarding form or function of certain exercises. Thats when I usually get most of my questions.

Hope this helps!
Hi Cathe! Thank you, it does help. I have the same philosophy, so I was glad to hear response.

As always, I appreciate your input -

Lynn :)

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