


I am going through a terrible bout with insomnia. Does anyone have any suggestions that might help me get through this? Are there any yoga or relaxation type dvds out that might help?

Your thoughts are appreciated!

I went through a terrible bout of insomnia for a duration of about 2 months a year and a half ago. And though I didn't use yoga or anything like that, I hope that what I write will help you.

First of all, it is important to stay calm and don't panic about this, knowing that insomnia is something that is a normal part of life and that many people experience it. When I had my insomnia, I found myself panicking that I would not get enough sleep. This is a vicious cycle that can breed more insomnia. So, realizing that: "ok, so I have insomnia, like many other people."

The second thing that helped me was to understand this: This period of my life will end, it is not an interminable period of life. In other words, there was a beginning, and there will be an ending. Understanding this really helped me through this time. Knowing there was light at the end of the tunnel gave me hope.

Thirdly, after I was calmed, understood it was normal and would end, I began to address the issues of stress and trouble in my life. I even went to an excellent counselor for four weeks to help me work through these issues. As I faced my fears, which is really the root of stress, and realized I didn't need to sweat the small stuff and that it is all small stuff, the insomnia gradually began to dissipate.

I hope this is helpful for you, having been through it myself. I wish the best for you and hope you will take this encouragement to heart.


I am going through a terrible bout with insomnia. Does anyone have any suggestions that might help me get through this? Are there any yoga or relaxation type dvds out that might help?

Your thoughts are appreciated!


I must have thought at some point years ago that going to sleep at a regular time was a good idea, sorry can't remember how long ago really or why. I use this CD, it's for meditation & technically you're supposed to be awake when you use it. I find it puts me to sleep in about 10 minutes or less sometimes.

If it's something you think you should talk to a doctor about, do that. I don't really have too much problem falling asleep, although the other day I woke up feeling like a nasty dog was chew on my side, so the occasion weird dream. A regular routine for me, is the best.
Hi Karen,

I am sorry you are experiencing insomnia. I can share with you what I encourage clients to do in therapy to help combat insomnia - mindfulness based exercises. When you are having trouble falling asleep but should otherwise be tired - try doing a body scan. you lay quietly on your bed (you can do this anywhere - and anytime of the day) and starting with your toes, slowly move up your body, focusing on each body part to see how you are experiencing or feeling that body part. so you start with your toes, feel all the surrounding sensations, wiggle them etc.. move to your heels, ankles, shins, knees etc... in the quiet you will feel vibrations, aches, etc... - this serves as a distraction/intervention from your thoughts, plans you might be making or worrying that is usually the cause of you staying alert. Often, as you move up your body, you drift off to sleep because you don't have any thoughts keeping your mind active and you up - 'cos you just focusing on feeling and being.

Of course, it's important to talk to your doctor too! I do this exercise all the time when I waken in the night and can't fall back asleep (stress!). It takes a few tries but I really like this one. You can google other mindfulness based exercises and even you tube mindfulness and Jon Kabat Zinn (I think). it's very gentle.

Good luck! I hope you move away from this quickly.
Thank you for your responses. It really does help me to understand that I am not the only one going through this. I am going to try the mindful based experiences tonight.

Here is to a good night's rest! I will keep you posted!

Jon Kabat-Zinn does have a CD that talks you through the body scan, like CiciFifi said and there's also meditation & yoga ( general exercise based yoga, not the mind/body/spirtual type and also very relaxing) on it as well as meditation (it can be used in conjunction with the book Full Catastrophe Living)

I found I would fall asleep often through the body scan within minutes. The other CD (Kelly Howell) I mentioned sounds a little like the old original Star Trek theme, which kind of makes me feel a little like an astral traveler when I nod off, it's silly but it takes all the seriousness out of any thoughts that would keep me awake, I guess that's why I've used it for years.

Rest well.:)
Insomnia is something I've struggled with for years ever since the death of my parents years ago. But I truly believe that through proper nutrition u can help deficiencies in the body that might b causing the insomnia. I recently began researching this heavily and discovered several key supplements and foods that have helped me overcome this: 5-htp, GABA, l-theanine, and magnesium. 5-htp is an amino acid found in turkey (aka tryptophan) that helps shut off the mind chatter before bed that makes u unable to wind down. GABA Is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that helps ease restlessness and anxiety. L-theanine is ab amino acid that helps u wind down or calm down and creates a "calm alertness" so u aren't drowsy but rather peaceful. And magnesium is a mineral that many are deficient in and don't realize it and it is a natural sedative and muscle relaxant and is ideal to take before bed with calcium. I have found that these really have helped me wind down and stay asleep. I was someone who couldn't fall asleep an couldn't stat asleep and finally now I can. U can derive several of these components from food such as having cottage cheese or organize turkey before bed, or eggs. Sounds bizarre but it's a good way to get some of them without taking pills. Of course talk to ur doc before taking any supplement. I have found one product that i am in love with that as them all - it's called Happy sleeper:
It is cheap and it is a godsend!
I hope u find this helpful as I understand how frustrating insomnia can b.

I am going through a terrible bout with insomnia. Does anyone have any suggestions that might help me get through this? Are there any yoga or relaxation type dvds out that might help?

Your thoughts are appreciated!


Taking a melatonin supplement before bed has helped me be able to go back to sleep when I wake up in the night instead of being up for hours with my mind racing.

Kundalini Yoga really helps me with my sleep. I think any type of gentle inverted pose and some form of deep breathing helps.

This may not apply, but I get terrible insomnia if I overtrain. It's usually what prompts me that I need to back off a bit.
Insomnia is something I've struggled with for years ever since the death of my parents years ago. But I truly believe that through proper nutrition u can help deficiencies in the body that might b causing the insomnia. I recently began researching this heavily and discovered several key supplements and foods that have helped me overcome this: 5-htp, GABA, l-theanine, and magnesium. 5-htp is an amino acid found in turkey (aka tryptophan) that helps shut off the mind chatter before bed that makes u unable to wind down. GABA Is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that helps ease restlessness and anxiety. L-theanine is ab amino acid that helps u wind down or calm down and creates a "calm alertness" so u aren't drowsy but rather peaceful. And magnesium is a mineral that many are deficient in and don't realize it and it is a natural sedative and muscle relaxant and is ideal to take before bed with calcium. I have found that these really have helped me wind down and stay asleep. I was someone who couldn't fall asleep an couldn't stat asleep and finally now I can. U can derive several of these components from food such as having cottage cheese or organize turkey before bed, or eggs. Sounds bizarre but it's a good way to get some of them without taking pills. Of course talk to ur doc before taking any supplement. I have found one product that i am in love with that as them all - it's called Happy sleeper:
It is cheap and it is a godsend!
I hope u find this helpful as I understand how frustrating insomnia can b.

Wow, great post! Thank you! I have had chronic on/off insomnia for as long as I can remember. Prescription sleep meds have been the only thing that has helped me with any consistency. They work, but at age 31, I really don't want to sentence myself to a lifetime of sleep meds. I hadn't heard of Happy Sleeper, and I'll definitely check it out. Herbal solutions and melatonin haven't helped me in the past much at all, but this sounds like a different sort of "cocktail". Something else to try anyway...
I didn't know that magnesium was a sedative :eek: I was taking it in the AM!! I will switch it to before bed. Maybe that was why I have been tired.

sorry for the tangent.

OP: I too suffered a bout of insomnia. Mine was a result of a debilitating bout of IBS. I would sleep two hours every two nights. It was just a result of chemistry. It took a long time for me to get back to normal. Instead of staying in bed, I would do something rhythmic like knitting or reading. Try to turn off the computer, the glow can keep you awake. I don't sleep nearly as well after computer time as I do after reading. Also, you can try some solar spectrum lights to use in the AM, they relieve some of the symptoms of SAD and seemed to help me sleep at the opposite end of the day, in the evening. They are regular bulbs you buy at the hardware store. They cost a little more, but its not bad and you only need one or two. Use them 1/2 an hour before dawn. I had some success with lavendar baths. I use Dresdner brand. Its very soothing. Soak for at least twenty minutes in warm water. An epsom salt bath can help too (if you are agitated or sore).

Even if you can't get to sleep, meditation in a comfortable pose with the lights out can help rejuvenate. Its not a substitute, but when you can't sleep, its the next best thing imo.

I hope things improve soon.
Thank you everyone for all the wonderful advice. It sure helps to know that I am not alone!
I am trying the deep breathing exercises and staying calm. I do take melatonin. I do not have trouble falling asleep.......I just cannot stay asleep. I have talked with my doctor and am thinking of taking Wellbutrin as I am having horrible hot and cold flashes.

The tip on overtraining was interesting....something I had never thought of. I have been doing my usual workout in the morning and then coming home and doing Blissology in the afternoon. Maybe that is too much. I have ordered the Kundalini yoga a.m. p.m and will give that a try. The Happy Sleeper medicine sounds promising and I will look into that too.

I want to thank each of you for your encouraging words...wisdom and support. I knew I could come to this forum and be well supported and receive great advice!

Thank you everyone for all the wonderful advice. It sure helps to know that I am not alone!
I am trying the deep breathing exercises and staying calm. I do take melatonin. I do not have trouble falling asleep.......I just cannot stay asleep. I have talked with my doctor and am thinking of taking Wellbutrin as I am having horrible hot and cold flashes.

The tip on overtraining was interesting....something I had never thought of. I have been doing my usual workout in the morning and then coming home and doing Blissology in the afternoon. Maybe that is too much. I have ordered the Kundalini yoga a.m. p.m and will give that a try. The Happy Sleeper medicine sounds promising and I will look into that too.

I want to thank each of you for your encouraging words...wisdom and support. I knew I could come to this forum and be well supported and receive great advice!


Karen- Be wary of the wellbutrin, it has very serious side effects including preventing the user from doing intense exercise because it prevents them from releasing body heat and can lead to death. Also, it often causes very serious weight gain. My brother has experienced those side effects. And it caused trouble with his sleep pattern.
Thank you! I had no idea! I tried a low dose of citlopram for the flashes and hated it. One of my concerns is that I do not want to take a medicine that will interfer with my workouts because my workouts are so beneficial to my health. I think my best bet is to transition through this journey as healthy and medicine free as I can.

Much appreciation!!!!

FYI: melatonin only works for those whose body does not make enough. If ur body is producing melatonin in it's own then the melatonin pills won't have any effect. If it's not, then u will find it helpful!
Thank you everyone for all the wonderful advice. It sure helps to know that I am not alone!
I am trying the deep breathing exercises and staying calm. I do take melatonin. I do not have trouble falling asleep.......I just cannot stay asleep. I have talked with my doctor and am thinking of taking Wellbutrin as I am having horrible hot and cold flashes.

The tip on overtraining was interesting....something I had never thought of. I have been doing my usual workout in the morning and then coming home and doing Blissology in the afternoon. Maybe that is too much. I have ordered the Kundalini yoga a.m. p.m and will give that a try. The Happy Sleeper medicine sounds promising and I will look into that too.

I want to thank each of you for your encouraging words...wisdom and support. I knew I could come to this forum and be well supported and receive great advice!


The before bed meditation in PM Yoga is quite good. AM Yoga is my favorite--love it for a good stretch and to fix my neck and back (where I store tension). If I wake up in the night and can't get back to sleep, I'll get on the floor and do table-top position (they call it bridge pose) with my head relaxed and hanging back for 10 deep breaths and then do about 10 breaths of the before bed meditation. It works like a charm for me.

Jodelle is right about the melatonin. I'm intrigued with the Happy Sleeper. Getting the proper nutrients in the right amounts really has so much to do with good sleep.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Apparently I should stop telling everyone about happy sleeper because I can't find it! It's sold out everywhere! That just shows it works!
Hi Everyone!

I wanted to let you know that I have been sleeping pretty well for the last 3 nights!!!!!
I stopped taking the melatonin and decided against the Wellbutrin. I received the Kundalini yoga dvd and I immediately tried the 15 minute p.m. section. I also purchased a book called "Yoga for Insominia" and have been doing the 15 minute evening relaxation practice right before going to bed. I still am waking up a couple of time during the night but am able to get back to sleep easily by deep breathing. It is amazing how these exercises work on calming my mind and body.

Once again I want to thank all of you for your suggestions. You have all been so incredibly helpful and I am so apppreciative of everyone's support!


Hi Karen from Insomnia-R-Us

I've had this for years. Had a couple of bad nights this week although in general I'm coping with it much better.

I think of all the jumble tumble of thoughts in my mind as a sort of box and I need to empty the box. Once you clear your mind of all the clutter that's when the sleep comes - easier said than done though.

When my DD was younger I used to read some of her books in the night. I don't mean picture books for tinies, more the mini novel type things for adolescents. Man they're boring, but it does the trick - focus on every word and eradicate all other thoughts. The thing I do now - and this has become a bit of an addiction - is I turn on the TV really low so I can only just hear it and set the timer for 30-40mins and then concentrate on every word and repeat every word in my head which eliminates all of my own thoughts.

Gotta empty that box honey. Good luck

Kim xoxox

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