Insanity Cardio Recovery disc


I just started Insanity this week & perhaps I'm the first person to say this, but I'm finding it rather, um, sane. Very high intensity but I'm not crazy about the 5 minute stretch in the middle, plus I'm a little OCD about cals burned & I'm maxing at 350, while I prefer to end somewhere betw. 450-500.

So, tomorrow is cardio recovery disc & I'm not sure what it consists of. If it's a 100 cal burn I think I'll go nuts. I'm wondering if I should just do a steady state w/a high cal burn to feed my psychosis?
I was feeling the same way. I skipped through the strech at the start and added another workout on the end. After two weeks I skipped ahead to the second month rotation of longer workouts and the calorie burn is more satifying. Depending on the video between 450 and 550. My muscles are feeling this roation more so if I'm not happy with the calorie burn at the end of these instead of doing wieghts I add on the cardio and core balance for an extra 300 calorie burn.
Laura, I got the preview disc and felt that way -- it was intense, but I was amazed at how low the calorie burn seemed to be compared to a cc run or an imax. Also, I couldn't stand the repetition of drills, so I passed on the series. Thank goodness for the preview...... it is nice to see people enjoying it, though -- and that's the overwhelming stuff you read when a new workout is out, it seems.
ITA........I want to really love Insanity, but I am not. I consider myself pretty fit. I am 42 and my Heart rate for Insanity (and I pushed myself) is the same when I do Turbo Jam Kick Punch and crunch, or my P90X. So why am I killing myself with the insanity workouts??
same here!!

Same here, I wanted to do this series and see if I can loose the extra 5 pounds( stubborn 5 pounds) But I'm not crazy about this one, anyways I'm going to alternate with STS, tomorrow I have the cardio recovery and I was previewing this dvd is only 35 min. I was thinking about doing something else maybe treadmill or elliptical.
Probably I can still return it . :rolleyes:

I find everyone's calorie burn odd. :confused:I wore my BodyBugg for the sneak preview disc and it gave me over a 500 calorie burn reading. The 40 minute insanity workout gives me the same reading as my 60 minute Amy Bento Kickbox surge. I love Amy, but I like that I can get the same calorie burn in less time.

I haven't been wearing my Bugg but I can tell you.....after 4 weeks of the insanity rotation the fat is melting off my body. Everyday my abs show more definition, and my jeans are getting loser. This is time when my body stalls and weight loss is super slow. I usually have to cut starches out and limit my fruit. Not with insanity. :)I'm losing with carbs and that makes me really happy:D.
I'm leaving for vacation during my recovery week and my diet will be poor and there no stopping me:p, but I plan to hit the max intervals when I get back. I going to do another STS rotation after and save the Insanity workouts for cutting because it's really working.
How long did it take before you starting having weight loss? I am 1 1/2 week into the rotation and havnt really noticed the scale move yet?
Same here, I wanted to do this series and see if I can loose the extra 5 pounds( stubborn 5 pounds) But I'm not crazy about this one, anyways I'm going to alternate with STS, tomorrow I have the cardio recovery and I was previewing this dvd is only 35 min. I was thinking about doing something else maybe treadmill or elliptical.
Probably I can still return it . :rolleyes:


Oh thanks Eunice, that's exactly the info I was looking for! I think I'm gonna take out some kick butt steady state tomorrow just so I can stop grinding my teeth. :p

I'm glad it's not just me. Honestly, I don't think my HR ever got out of the 170s, & some of the blasts in IMAX 3 get me close to 190. I'm really trying to give this series a shot b/c I think I might've been overdoing cardio, plus I don't do much HIIT. I'm gonna stick it out, but I will have to get the occasional high cal burn once in a while or I'll end up throwing myself off a clock tower. :eek:

Cynthia, I love KB Surge & that DVD burns 500+ cals for me. ASC3 over 600! I wonder why such a difference for some but not others? Weird how all our bodies respond differently.
How long did it take before you starting having weight loss? I am 1 1/2 week into the rotation and havnt really noticed the scale move yet?

I lost 4lbs the first 10 days.
Are you doing the rotation as recommended? Also, I added 4DS before my insanity workout. I do legs on Cardio Recovery day. I'm taking the freestyle approach with this rotation.

Laura, it really is all about how our bodies respond. I don't wear a HR monitor but I can tell you that I feel like I'm in an anaerobic state for at least 90% of the workout.
I sing during Amy's Kickbox Surgef(LOVE the music in that workout), but don't dare ask me a question during my insanity workout because I honestly couldn't answer you. I could grunt maybe.:eek::p
I lost 4lbs the first 10 days.
Are you doing the rotation as recommended? Also, I added 4DS before my insanity workout. I do legs on Cardio Recovery day. I'm taking the freestyle approach with this rotation.

Laura, it really is all about how our bodies respond. I don't wear a HR monitor but I can tell you that I feel like I'm in an anaerobic state for at least 90% of the workout.
I sing during Amy's Kickbox Surgef(LOVE the music in that workout), but don't dare ask me a question during my insanity workout because I honestly couldn't answer you. I could grunt maybe.:eek::p

I don't think I could talk either. I could grunt. I could maybe throw out a swear word here & there. I mean, a 175 HR is still pretty flippin high! ;) I'm actually hoping I'll get the same results as you b/c I've been told I do too much cardio so I'm burning off muscle instead of fat. I can do this for 2 months. I can I can I can! :p
Regarding calorie burn and HIIT. It is well-known that HIIT workouts cause a greater fat loss than steady state, despite a lower caloric expenditure during the actual workout.

The Tremblay study in Canada divided 27 healthy non-obese adults (14 women and 13 men) into two groups. One group did Endurance Training workouts for 20 weeks and the other did High Intensity Interval Training. The researchers calculated that the Endurance Training group burned more than twice as many calories as the HIIT group while exercising.

However, at the end of the study, skinfold measurements showed that the HIIT lost more subcutaneous fat, despite the lower caloric expenditure while actually working out.

Muscle biopsies were taken and the conclusion was that metabolic adaptations from HIIT "result in better lipid utilization in the post-exercise state and thus contribute to a greater energy and lipid defecit."

Your Heart Rate Monitor won't record that.

Izumi Tabata's studies showed similar fndings regarding VO2Max and anaerobic capacity.

I agree that the Cardio Recovery w/o isn't hard. I am doing weights on Cardio Recovery days.
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My insanity will come via my mom tomorrow (bb doesn't ship out of the country). I'm really anxious to give it a try. DH and I plan to do it together and we'll see how it goes. I have about 5 lbs to lose and really am hoping for results like cynthia!! I plan to stick pretty close to the nutrition plan and give it all I've got!
How long did it take before you starting having weight loss? I am 1 1/2 week into the rotation and havnt really noticed the scale move yet?

I lost 2 pounds the 1st week! Good luck! I'm almost finished with week 3 of Insanity! (week 3 concludes on Sunday, which is the rest day)

I've only done one Insanity workout so far. I chose the 60" one and burned 717 calories. My HR hovered at 150-168 the entire time, which I thought was pretty good.

The recovery discs look like yoga. Maybe you can add some steady state!
I lost 4 lbs the first 10 days of Insanity and am now finishing week 3 with a total of 6 lbs lost. I follow the diet plan included with the discs and found it to be very helpful. I am pretty small already and Insanity is leaning out my thighs and really defining my abs in ways I haven't achieved before. My Polar HR monitor is about 6 years old and I believe it needs to be recalibrated because according to it I am only burning 300ish calories per workout and I am working flat out during the drills. I was bummed about that little fact until my body fat started melting away, now I don't even wear the monitor.
The recovery workout isn't hard and to my mind it shouldn't be because it is a recovery workout. I added heavy weights 3 days a week starting in week 2 (recovery workout day, off day and whatever other day i can squeeze them in) and it feels great, I think my body "needs" the heavy weight work to accomplish the drill work... or maybe my mind needs it to get through those anaerobic parts ... it really is hard to think about your muscles when you are pushing so hard through the drills, so the weight work helps my mind see my muscles working hard.
I plan on sticking with the suggested rotation for 60 days just because I have never done interval work like this 5 days a week and I am curious to see how my 48 year old body will do. So far, i am very happy with the program

Brenda in Indiana
Regarding calorie burn and HIIT. It is well-known that HIIT workouts cause a greater fat loss than steady state, despite a lower caloric expenditure during the actual workout.

The Tremblay study in Canada divided 27 healthy non-obese adults (14 women and 13 men) into two groups. One group did Endurance Training workouts for 20 weeks and the other did High Intensity Interval Training. The researchers calculated that the Endurance Training group burned more than twice as many calories as the HIIT group while exercising.

However, at the end of the study, skinfold measurements showed that the HIIT lost more subcutaneous fat, despite the lower caloric expenditure while actually working out.

Muscle biopsies were taken and the conclusion was that metabolic adaptations from HIIT "result in better lipid utilization in the post-exercise state and thus contribute to a greater energy and lipid defecit."

Your Heart Rate Monitor won't record that.

Izumi Tabata's studies showed similar fndings regarding VO2Max and anaerobic capacity.

I agree that the Cardio Recovery w/o isn't hard. I am doing weights on Cardio Recovery days.

I've heard this as well. As I understand it, steady state burns cals only during the w/o, but HIIT boost the metabolism so helps burn fat all day. I think that number on the HRM is more a psychological thing for me.

Anyway, I did ASC3 this morning & burned about 650 cals, so I'm feeling better. :p
WHY, are you finding this one hard? NO I don't think so...:confused:


I haven't done recovery disc yet, but my impression from these posts are that y'all are saying the entire series is too easy. So, yes, I do find this series hard, so yes, I guess I am a loser.:p:confused::eek:

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