Insanity Cardio Recovery disc

I don't think you're a loser either! I'm not saying it's easy, I'm just saying it doesn't burn enough cals, which is partly a product of the length of the w/o. It's really only about 30-35 minutes if you don't include the stretching. If it was as long as the other cardio w/os I typically do, I think the cal burn would be pretty high.

What I'm having an issue with is it's SO high impact & SO high intensity. If I'm gonna suffer like that, I want that number on my HRM to be higher. ;)
I lost 4lbs the first 10 days.
Are you doing the rotation as recommended? Also, I added 4DS before my insanity workout. I do legs on Cardio Recovery day. I'm taking the freestyle approach with this rotation.

Laura, it really is all about how our bodies respond. I don't wear a HR monitor but I can tell you that I feel like I'm in an anaerobic state for at least 90% of the workout.
I sing during Amy's Kickbox Surgef(LOVE the music in that workout), but don't dare ask me a question during my insanity workout because I honestly couldn't answer you. I could grunt maybe.:eek::p

So, am I reading this correctly? You double up your insanity workouts by doing a workout from 4DS first?
Hi Laura

I just started Insanity this week & perhaps I'm the first person to say this, but I'm finding it rather, um, sane. Very high intensity but I'm not crazy about the 5 minute stretch in the middle, plus I'm a little OCD about cals burned & I'm maxing at 350, while I prefer to end somewhere betw. 450-500.

So, tomorrow is cardio recovery disc & I'm not sure what it consists of. If it's a 100 cal burn I think I'll go nuts. I'm wondering if I should just do a steady state w/a high cal burn to feed my psychosis?

Ok Laura, Have you done this workout? How did you like it? I think actually that it was pretty good.:p I did it on Friday and Saturday my obliques were so sore for the new kind of planks:confused: I did it after STS disc 15 back and biceps and I did like it:p.
Have you?
I was wondering, I'd saw some of your pictures I wanted to see a face for LauraMax.Not a cookie monster or a dog lifting the bar:eek: ( ((((sorry if this bother you:D))) But You look pretty good, nice body, good shape.good, good..

Eunice, are you flirting with me? ;) You are so cute! I haven't tried it yet, I'm glad you got such a good workout from it! :)

Ok Laura, Have you done this workout? How did you like it? I think actually that it was pretty good.:p I did it on Friday and Saturday my obliques were so sore for the new kind of planks:confused: I did it after STS disc 15 back and biceps and I did like it:p.
Have you?
I was wondering, I'd saw some of your pictures I wanted to see a face for LauraMax.Not a cookie monster or a dog lifting the bar:eek: ( ((((sorry if this bother you:D))) But You look pretty good, nice body, good shape.good, good..

So, am I reading this correctly? You double up your insanity workouts by doing a workout from 4DS first?

I don't understand what you mean by double up insanity? I'm not doubling the insanity workouts.
I do weight work first, then insanity because I consider insanity cardio. It has some upper body work but not enough for me to give up weight training.
I plan to separate my weight work when I start the max intervals into AM/PM workouts.
Wow, I think Insanity is a great quick workout. I think that if you are used to doing longer workouts, then you probably won't feel like you are getting as much out of Insanity. It also depends on the intensity you are doing the workout at. I do as much as I can as hard as I can the entire workout, and I am burning over 400 calories a workout.
I did three weeks of Insanity and had to stop due to injuries creeping up, inner thigh/groin pain and knee pain. I don't mind stopping as I wasn't getting any results, no weight loss and I didn't see any difference in my appearance.

My calorie burn averaged around 350 but then my HRM isn't the greatest as it will say zero for heartrate if the watch isn't directly hitting the chest strap. Strange. It stops when doing jumping jacks, stretching, things like that.

I don't care for the stretching after only doing a warmup. I think the stretch there is way too long. The long stretch should be at the end, seems to me they got those backwards as the ending stretch is usually only 3 minutes and the beginning stretch almost double that.

I don't think the workouts are easy. I haven't tried any of the second months workouts but I know I cannot do them every day. I hate to say it but I was dreading the pure cardio workout everytime it came up, my least favorite workout in the bunch.

I plan to start STS in September so I may add an insanity workout each week.

Hi Everyone,

I had just ordered the Insanity this Monday and supposed to be receiving it next Monday. I ordered the Deluxe package. I was wondering how the extra workouts are integrated into the rotation? Is it used in similar method as Charlean Xtreme Deluxe package where the xtra DVD are not rotated in till the last phase of the workout.

Thanks in advance.

I was really interested in this series but worry it is too tough for me. Rhonda I am also concerned about my knees which tend to be twingy after lots of high impact kickboxing.

I am still considering the set but I am always interested to hear what others think of it.
I finish the fourth week of the Insanity rotation today. I follow the exercise part strictly, I never do eating plans, also I have been using Mitchi's Ladder several years. I eat basically only from the first two levels, but no quantity control.

I have not a pain in my body, although the impact is pretty high. I credit it to the long stretch in the beginning. Yes, the heart rate does drop, but it is supposed to in an Interval workout.

I love these workouts and the last month did not have a repetitive feel to it. They are good cardio and toning workouts. They do not take much space at all. I have the deluxe package but I am doing the regular rotation. My husband, who does not do the entire Insanity rotation, loves the UB weight dvd.
Hi Laura ???

I just started Insanity this week & perhaps I'm the first person to say this, but I'm finding it rather, um, sane. Very high intensity but I'm not crazy about the 5 minute stretch in the middle, plus I'm a little OCD about cals burned & I'm maxing at 350, while I prefer to end somewhere betw. 450-500.

So, tomorrow is cardio recovery disc & I'm not sure what it consists of. If it's a 100 cal burn I think I'll go nuts. I'm wondering if I should just do a steady state w/a high cal burn to feed my psychosis?

Hi Laura, I have a question for you. Pleaseee witch DVD is cardio circuit? Is the same with Plyometrics cardio circuit? I've been looking for that one and I've using the plyometric CC.
Also have you done the test every 2 weeks or so? I haven't, I don't think is necessary, I think this is for people who is out of shape or not?
well I hope you can help me here.:eek::D
Thanks Eunice

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