I've not done Turbo Fire, but I did Insanity and wrapped up Asylum at the end of Dec.
Insanity I liked, if you can do Cathe, you can do Insanity. Depending on your ability, flexibility, joints, etc, you may want to warm up before the warm up. It starts out right away with high intensity high impact in the warm up and goes on from there. It's tough, but doable, keep some water handy. I found the breaks came just at the right time. The only one I didn't like was Cardio Core and Balance, which, if I recall, you do all week in the recovery week. I re-named it Cardio Snore Bore and Balance. I didn't lose any weight doing Insanity, but I improved from one fit test to the next. I wasn't eating super clean, though. I thought I'd lose strength, but I didn't. I was sore the first few days, but it went away pretty quickly. I did miss my weights, and I recall sneaking in a day or two of them. I'd do it again.
Asylum I didn't like so much. It was boring. I liked Game Day and I liked the Strength workout the 1st couple times, then I got bored. I think those two have some replay value, the rest, not so much. I didn't lose any pounds, but it was Christmas time with the eats as well. There's a lot more breaksin Asylum and each DVD felt like the same stuff over and over again. Because there's less workouts, there's way more repeats as well. I made small gains from the 1st to the last fit test, but nothing like Insanity. Probably because by the 2nd week I was so bored and didn't care anymore that I really didn't give it my all the last 2 weeks. I was excited to get this one, but it fell flat for me. Game Day, is a keeper, though.