INSANE PARTY - Sun, 8/30


Good Morning Y’All!!

Rest day for me today although I have my usual Sunday errands/chores to do, which is not very restful :rolleyes:

Colleen - looking forward to your FT results. I think the pukey feeling was a combo of water/coffee and I only had a few bites of Grape Nuts cereal for dinner (wasn’t that hungry). Since I work out first thing on an empty stomach I must have a good dinner the night before :)

Brenda - enjoy those deluxe dvds :eek:

Have a great day everyone :cool:
Good Morning,

Fit Test #3 today (that's all since it's technically my rest day)

Did better on most and went down on two :confused: Overall I'm happy since I am up or the same on everything as FT#1.

Switch Kicks: (58) (60) 71.
Power Jacks: (65) (69) 66 huh? guess I wore myself out on the SKs
Power Knees: (120) (123) 125
Power Jumps: (63) (66) 63 I guess I was saving up for GJs
Globe Jumps: (8) (10) 12 :D although I admit I was a little dizzy after that. :eek:
Suicide Jumps: (16) (16) 17
Push-up Jacks: (20) (22) 26
Low-planks: (35/70) (36/72) 37/74

Brenda, I came close to getting the deluxe DVDs, but I'm holding out. So far :D.

Jennifer, I'm the same way. I need to eat a good evening meal (and get a good night sleep) or I'm toast the next morning. Try not to let the errands/chores get to you. I know some errands are just a pain in the ..err... butt and chores are almost never fun..
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tomorrow i can join you!!! yeah!!!

A 5 mile walk/run/ was a nice change of pace...literally! LOL! :D

Trying to get myself motivated to do chores...NOT working so far!

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Good morning, Insanitinas! This a.m. I did a cool mish-mosh: Max Interval Circuit's warm-up and my own do-it-myself prestretch (like many here, the prestretches on the series go on a lot longer than my taste), then Pure Cardio's . . . well, pure cardio segment, and then the Max Interval Plyo cardio segments, repeating the last drill block a second time. I gotta say - Shaun's workouts make me sweat like no other, including my own custom-recorded DVDs from Cathe's vast arsenal. I was so soggy that I had to change my workout pants after the cardio, so that I could do abs and upper body without soaking myself into the floor.

Tomorrow I'll do a Cathe step mish-mosh and then Insane Abs, and I'm planning a Shaun mish-mosh with freestyle barbell squats, plie squats and lunges circuit for Wednesday. I may polish that off with some Plyo Legs plyo drills, or I may just crawl caterpillar-style to the bathtub. Who knows? I'm going to take next Friday off as a vacation day, and will probably do an as-yet undetermined short cardio set followed up with Max Recovery.

Have a great workout day, peeps!

Hi All,
Today I'm back again....i know I'm in and out....consistancy is killing me!! Today I did the Sports Max Insanity from the Deluxe Edition....I really liked this one. I am thinking that I may need to get an aerobics floor of some kind, either the tiles or one of those roll out ones. My feet and my shins are killing me from all of the jumping. I workout in my basement and it basically is a cement floor covered by a rug. I must get the food in's my biggest down fall...I have to focus this week. The kids go back to school so getting up every day at 5 wont be so bad....
Have a great day everyone
Hi Everyone!

Yesterday was busy so I didn't get a chance to post but I finished Month 1 with PCC. I did really well with the ski abs. Also on Friday, I got permission to run. I have to build up slowly so I don't think it will impact my insanity workouts too much.

Aquajock - your mishmoshes sound like fun. Good luck this week.
Dawn - good job on the improvements on your fit test.
Elena - I have puzzle mats. I got them at Costco a while ago so I don't remember the price.
Becky - looking forward to having you join the insanity tomorrow.
Brenda - I ordered the deluxe DVD's with my original order. I enjoyed the UB workout but have not tried the others yet. I believe they come up in the rotation in a Month 2 week 2.
Jennifer - enjoy your rest day.
Good Afternoon Y’All!!

Still enjoying my “rest” day, got grocery shopping done and unpacked, veggies/fruit cut up, and a couple of meals made for the week. Did the laundry & cleaned the bathrooms and I’m leaving the rest of the chores for next weekend since it will be a 3-day weekend. The pool seems like a better option now :D

Dawn - great #s on the FT. As you may have noticed, I messed up the shout outs again. My previous post to Colleen was meant for you :p

Becky - as you can see, I’m not in the chores mood today either ;)

Annette - I’m always amazed at how much I sweat during Insanity. Funny story - the other day I was wondering WTH were these spots on our tv and entertainment center (which has glass doors). Apparently DH sweats so much during Insanity that he sprayed the tv and entertainment center (I guess during the punches) - eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww :mad::eek:

Elena - I got my aerobics mat from and love it :D

Colleen - glad you got the ok to run again. WTG on those ski abs :D
Elena - I got my aerobics mat from and love it :D

what size did you order? I need something but I'm not sure this mat is big enough for Step? I do a lot of routines with pivots and use all sides of the step.... do you think these are big enough?

How Y'all Doin"?
Today was MIC and I didn't bonk until the last set of Plank Punches.... had to take my first break then jumped back in. These workouts are really helping my cardio and plyo stamina.
Dawn: WTG on Fitness Test. Those numbers are impressive.
Annette: Your mish moshes have always sounded like so much fun. I really must get a DVD recorder, I keep holding out hoping Cathe's stuff will show up on I Tunes or become downloadable to an MP3 player.

I previewed the upper body workout and decided I will attempt that after Insanity. Some of those moves are ROCKING. I will sub Sports Drill for MIP tomorrow after work, followed by the hour long Pilates class I teach on Monday evenings. I have a feeling i will need the extra stretching......

have a great Sunday evening,
Brenda in Indiana
Hi Brenda,

I have 2 of the largest ones (3'x6'6"x3/8"). I use just 1 for step and position the step a bit further towards the front so most of the mat will be on the sides and back part where I'm stepping most of the time. Sometimes I use both mats if it's a workout where I'm going back & forth from step to weights or whatever. I just like the feel of these mats whereby they absorb the shock of plyo without being too spongy, which would throw me off balance. Kariev also purchased this mat and likes it. HTH :)
Hello Ladies
I hope it's ok to jump in the middle here. You are all way ahead of me on the Insanity rotation. I just wrapped up day 21. It was better for me to have a day off on Monday rather than Sunday and I am really looking forward to the day off.
I have a couple of questions for you more experienced insane people:
1. When you finished the first month were you able to do everything without stopping or taking a break? I have pretty much made it through Cardio Power and Pure Cardio with only minor breaks but Pylo CC still kicks my butt. I only get about half of the ski abs and in/outs that they do.
2. If I finish week 4 and still can't get everything done, am I going to be able to do the next months rotation? How much harder does it get? I am kinda scared to ask that!
Thanks for the info

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