injury recovery rotation?


In the middle of a muscle-building rotation (SH and 4DS), I twisted my ankle (fell off the step in 4DS-LIS). I'm now out of commission for at least a few more days before being able to do anything lower body (even walking is tough -- it's been 4 days and I'm still all swollen and in pain). Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a brief (2 week) rotation for upper body only that won't require me to be putting much weight on my ankle. Should I do a 1-body-part-per-day, leaving out lower body? Can anyone think of some lower body (floor work?) I can do while I recover?


Ouch - I've injured my ankles so I know what you are going through.

I don't have a specific rotation - I think you can concentrate on upper body but don't stand - so do the moves seated - personally, I find doing the moves seated tougher. I'd stay off the stability ball.

You can work your abs a lot, just don't do plank stuff. I'd skip all lower body for a while. You could try easy floor work - but I wouldn't.

I don't want to sound like your mom, but I'm a mom so it's automatic.....I think you should be seen by a Dr., if you haven't all ready. I don't like the fact that you are still swollen and in pain after 4 days. You may have sprained it or fractured it - especially if walking is tough.

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