injury and when to resume


New Member
I have just finished Meso 2 week 3 and experiencing soreness/pain in elbow joint. It hurst to lift up a glass of water. Has anyone taken a break midway thru their STS training? When should I resume so that I don't lose what I have gained so far? I certainly don't want to start all over again.

I feel your pain, literally and figuratively. I got through 5.5 months of STS when I strained my thumb and found I couldn't lift heavy weights at all anymore. Just gripping the dumbbell was painful. Ugh. So I had to miss out on the last two weeks of Meso 3, which really ticked me off because I was so darn close to finishing completely.

I took an entire week off to let the injured area cool down, using Advil and ice a few times a day. Then I worked with some Meso 1 discs. I tried coming back to Meso 3 after those 2 weeks and ended up hurting myself again.

Now I'm starting back with circuit workouts. The weights are much lighter, allowing me to perform the exercises without pain. I figure this will give me time to heal and help condition the area for future heavy weight training. I'd love to say I'll be back doing heavy weights in 2 weeks, but that's too soon. I read a good strain can take 6 weeks or more, so I've committed myself to 4 weeks of circuits at least. (And I've discovered that I'm terrible at circuit workouts! :D My endurance needs work.)

Regarding your elbow specifically, I had terrific elbow pain doing overhead tricep exercises. Once I cut those out and replaced them with dips and close grip chest presses, the pain disappeared. I've read that overhead work can be a problem for some people.

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