inflammatory effect in peanut butter

I remember when eggs were supposed to be bad for us.
I do believe in anything in moderation for the most part, and if new tests are being done on food I agree that it's just plain 'ol interesting to hear what the studies show.
I think the results may just shed some light on something that someone is experiencing since everyone's body responds differently to different foods and substances.
Hi Jennifer! I'm just seeing this post right now for the first time and wanted to thank you for sharing the info you did. Yes, I have had to pretty much give up peanut butter. I have a spoonful maybe twice a week (a drastically huge cut back from my "about a jar a week" consumption.

Hi Cathe,
After seeing your post I looked into this because I, too, am a PB&J fan - and was so surprised!

Dr Russell Baylock (on suggests draining off the natural peanut oil and replacing it with extra virgin olive oil (EVOO according to Rachael Ray:)) because of the anti-inflammatory factors in EVOO.
He says it won't affect the flavor and it won't separate.

Full disclosure, he does go on to say that PB has aflotoxin (a liver carcinogen) and therefore we should avoid eating a lot of it. However as far as I know there is no warning on PB labels:rolleyes:

I guess I don't really have a specific question for you but I wanted to pass this along in case you wanted to give the EVOO replacement a try (in case you hadn't heard about it). I think I will try it myself!
so sorry for the drastic change, I'm sure it was tough at first, but I'm glad you at least get to have a little bit sometimes. I hope you're doing well!
Hi Susan,
I do not know - sorry. I'm not sure if almonds are grown the same way peanuts are. I would think so but I really don't know.
Not sure if PB2 was mentioned in this thread-- but it seems to be a good alternative. I order it online. Is essentially crushed peanuts. Is in a powder form--- where you add water to it. I use it when I make protein bars. I do not have it in front of me now to give details (on my iPhone as I type this...) but much less fat, of less calories, natural and tastes good to me...
I used to love it until I found miller fly larvae in 2 different jars - I just can't bring myself to try it again.
oh my gosh - I certainly don't blame you for not wanting to try it again! I will definitely be checking my jars (I just bought 2) VERY carefully!

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