Increasing weight inincrements

Working Out

New Member
How do you increase your weight by 1 lb. for a given exercise. I am new to STS Strength and not sure I understand. For instance, if I do concentration curls in week 1 using 20 lbs. and then in week two I have to increase 5% to 21 lbs. do I need to by a 21 lb. dumbell? Do they even sell them? My dumbell set is in increments of 5 lbs. Any one have any suggestions?
Hi there,

There are a couple of options that I know of. I have two sets of weighted gloves from Cathe's line. One I got for using in kickboxing workouts, and those I keep at 1lb in each glove. I have a second pair (her latest pair, that are actually lifting gloves) that I bought before STS ( I'm an economy stimulator I know:eek:) and I keep those at 2lbs per glove. The second pair can be either 1 or 2 lbs, though, but since I have two pairs I dont' have to take the time to switch out the little weights inside, I just switch gloves! I know they also make pace weights, which are like magnets on the end of your dumbbell. You can google those and see if those would work better for you. HTH!

Also try light wrist weights

Working out:
I do another trick which is related to what Iris suggested. I buy light wrist weights (available at any box store) -- and these are sold usually in 1 lb or 1 1/2 lb (per wrist). I just add them on to my body bar, or regular barbell.

I find with wrist weights one can change the poundage easily from one exerise to another.

I also was lucky eneough to buy 1/2 lb wrist weights some time ago, and these are useful to incease te poundage of a bodybar by 1 lb. But I have not been able to find any more of these in a box store.
-- Davidj
Like David, I use the wrist weights. They have removable sand bags in there so you can add however much weight you want, between 1/2 a pound up to 5#s (depending on what set you get. Some can go higher). I bought them at WalMart and they were pretty cheap. And like Iris mentioned, it took me too long to set up between exercises if I needed to go from say 1# to 2#s, so I just bought another set cuz I was tired of pausing in the middle of the routine. The best part is that the wrist straps are large enough for me to use these as ankle weights as well, which are used in Meso 1 of STS and in some of Cathe's other videos.


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