Increase Size in Glute, Hip, and Thigh Area.


New Member
Hi Cathe, and Everyone!
I have many of your DVD's and would like to know ....what can I do to increase the size of my glutes, hip and thighs? I know it might sound odd when most want to loose in those area, but I would like to gain in those areas. Are there any special foods I should be eating? Please advise...I welcome your responses. Blessings.:)
I know how you feel!!! I have very broad shoulders, slender waist & no tush HA!!! BUT I've been doing Cathe's Legs & Glutes WO & I finally have a TUSH!!! I can't do KPC, but I do LG 2x a week. I also have added a 15lb barbell to my squats & it shows!!! Give it a try.
>I know how you feel!!! I have very broad shoulders, slender
>waist & no tush HA!!! BUT I've been doing Cathe's Legs &
>Glutes WO & I finally have a TUSH!!! I can't do KPC, but I do
>LG 2x a week. I also have added a 15lb barbell to my squats &
>it shows!!! Give it a try.

Thanks. I will definitely give it a try. Good Luck to you on your continued success, as well.

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