<---ina gadda da veda, baby

<---waves good morning to all :)
<---is not really happy about it being Monday, but knows it will be over soon enough
<---started the week off right with LIS/HIS Double Cardio
<---actually knows today's song!
<---never knows the songs
<---will be singing the riff all day long now "dah dah-dah dah-dah-dah-dah dah dah dah"
<---loves the way Ronne spells tire :p
<---is so envious of Phyllis' european vacation!!!
<---hopes it's nothing like National Lampoon's European Vacation ;)
<---hopes Cody's child clients aren't too difficult today
<---hopes Shannon's storms aren't too nasty
<---is expecting t-storms too - what crazy weather we're having!
<---wishes Stephanie luck in getting a cart-full of clean food at the grocery store today :)
<---is sorry to hear about Muffie's reaction to the new meds :(
<---wonders what Shelley is up to today
<---is glad to see Liann back :)
<---is glad she didn't break anything while skiing
<---tells Beavs <--- doesn't want to pay $100 for a bosu either (or a "half ball", as Bruce Mylrea calls it in his 28-count routine *snort* :7 )
<---is off to do something semi-quasi-pseudo-productive... bbl!
<--Has returned from store and reports that <-- did pretty well
<--Almost cried when <--stepped on scales this morning to discover that <-- packed on seven pounds over the holidays. SEVEN POUNDS, people. Ugh.
<--Is done with wine.
<--Bought some cranberry/pomagranite juice that <--will substitute for cocktail
<--Bought veggie burgers, veggies, berries, etc.
<--Will be joining the melters too. Watchout people! Make room for fatty!
<--Apologizes for self absorption
<--just is SOOOOOOOOO disappointed in self
<--Is trying for third baby and does NOT need to start off pregnancy with excess weight and bad eating habits.
<--will step off of self-absorption/self-loathing soapbox
<--Hopes Phyllis has an amazing trip
<--Gives Liann a welcome-back hug!!!
<--has never been skiing, but would LOVE to one day
<--Sends anti-poopy vibes to MissMuffie
<--Sends a hug to Shelley because she sounded like she needed one
<--Waves to all the other gals
<--Is uber jealous of Ev's workout ethic
<--Double cardio!?!?! :0
<--Thinks Ev is gaining ground on Lorie as <--'s workout hero
<--Hugs to all
<--Must go get coffee
<--Wonders if coffee is clean?
<--Dares anyone to say it's not
<--pops in after recognizing the lyrics
<--had a dream where these lyrics played over and over
<--still wonders what that means
<--is feeling disoriented about it being Monday
<--I like Sundays better
<--thinks we all should have Mondays off
<--hopes coffee will help
<--waves at Stephanie from the melters group
<--please come join in the melty fun!
<--thinks trying for a third might be lots of fun and burn lots of calories!
<--thanks to Robin for posting this very cool song
<--thanks to Lorie for posting the other very cool song
<--does not post here often
<--but thinks its kinda fun
<--does not "get" the bosu-ball thing
<--has visions of falling of the aforementioned ball and breaking somethingx(
<--hope "poopy puppy" feels better soon
<--waves hello and goodbye
<--has to go workout
<--really wants to go back to bed
<--ok, here I go...:)
<---Jumps up and down and waves hello to all of you!
<---Realizes you may not remember me 'cause <---has been absent for so long
<---Wonders if anyone else had a Monday from Hell!
<---Just wanted to drop in to send hugs and kisses from snowy Utah
<---Promises that personals will come tomorrow, once this work day is long gone! :)
<---Have a great afternoon/evening chickies!
<--waves wildly to Melissa
<--has missed her and wanted her to know that <-- thought about her the other day
<--is reading a hilarious book entitled "Who Cut the Cheese? The Cultural History of the Fart" and though Melissa would enjoy such a gassy read
<--is off the grocery shop and see mom so bbl
<---waves at Beavs and laughs at her book! OMG!
<---will be going to Amazon to look it up right now!
<---thinks farts are God's little reminders to loosen up (ha!) and smile a little! :)
<---thanks Beavs for the giggle
<--Runs into thread away from extremely ill children
<--Wonders who peed in their Wheaties today
<--Hugs Melissa!!!
<--Was thinking earlier, "Where's Melissa?"
<--Glad you're back, where were you???
<--Thinks that the OAL should form a book club and have the fart book as it's first read :)
<--Thinks <--'s two boys and DH would think <--was awesome if <--knew little-known fart facts
<--Must go distribute late afternoon-dinner-ruining snacks to the natives just to calm them
<--Loathes Mondays, BTW
<---is happy to see Melissa back at OAL-home
<---welcomes Liann back too
<---is envious of Phyllis's vacation
<---WILL get to Paris some day
<---^^^said while placing one hand on the Bible and lifting the other in the air
<---is :eek: :eek: :eek: :7 at Beav's choice of reading material
<---pats Stephanie on the back and says (to quote a very wise woman) "It's water weight"
<---is glad to see tneah in this thread and agrees with her invite to Melterville
<---had a very busy, somewhat productive, yet upheavally day at work
<---says a co-worker's grandmother died, two new test procedures were put into practice and the schedule is all cafuddeled (<--is in charge of the schedule)
<---got home and sent the stress on it's way with a bike ride
<---should now go abdominalize mid-section
<---sends antipoopy vibes to Muffiekins and scoots out of thread
<--just finished bosu abs with seasun from double cardio
<--can not do whole segment yet
<--abs on the bosu are t.o.u.g.h.
<--LOVES doing cardio on the bosu
<--thinks youse all should get bosus
<--will aid in all the enabling <--can
<--thanks melissa for the card!
<--waves "hi" to all
<--has been sent to drop in on all y'all to share the following smiley <--stumbled across http://www.therpgsite.com/forums/images/smilies/emot-tinfoil.gif
<--thinks this one seems just as appropos: http://www.thefantasyforum.com/images/smilies/ufo.gif
<--is rockin' out in my head to today's song though I have never understood what the lyrics meant
<--appreciates the daily thread titles though I don't always recognize them
<--snorted when I read about the "half ball" reference :7
<--is completely BOSU-obsessed!!
<--is going on two-day core DOMS from a BOSU workout
<--says thanks for lettin' me play :)
<--has to edit typos 'cause I'm a geek like that

[font face="heather" font color=black size=+2]~Cathy[/font]

<--waves wildly to my girl, cathy and is glad she took <--'s suggestion to post tin foil smiley
<--can't believe she found one!!!
<--was enabled by cathy to get a bosu
<--now wants to enable the oal to be bosu owners!
<---is glad that Cathy came to OAL-land to play
<---heard the song was supposed to be In the Garden on Eden, but the group was so wasted, it came out Ina Gadda da Vida
<---also thanks Cathy for the tin foil hat smilie, which made me smilie too
<---will probably get slanted risers before a bosu
<---has never been tempted by a bosu
<---has a hard enough time doing abs on the floor or the ball
<---doesn't need any more challenges right now, thank you very much!
<--finds the song title explanation amusing
<--understands where Robin's coming from as <-- had zero interest in the BOSU either
<--bought it on a wild impulse after Wendy (fit_mom) did
<--has always struggled with ab work, esp. pikes and such on the ball
<--cannot believe how good the BOSU gets in there
<--believes it is doing wonders for my core, which has always been a weak spot
<--is intrigued by the slanted risers, too
<--has zero anti-enabling willpower

[font face="heather" font color=black size=+2]~Cathy[/font]

><---was discussing the good old days of rock and roll with DH
><---decided to drag this number out
><---hopes you have dusted off your Mondaymorningofafivedayweek
><---can almost see vacation time waaaaaay in the future, if
><--squints my eyes and dreams
><---needs a coffee refill to help clear up the vacation

:)Here's a stroll down memory lane:

I saw IRON BUTTERFLY (ina gadda da veda, baby) at the Fillmore East in NYC in the late sixties. They were the headliner.

Guess who was the unknown opening act: LED ZEPPELIN

Far out,
<--wants to go back in time with Viki
<--would have had quite a bit of fun at the Filmores East and West ;)
<--wonders if anyone knows who did the 1987 remake of In a Gadda da Vida
<--will give ten points to whomever knows what soundtrack it came from
<--is off to zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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