In your opinion, who is the founder of home fitness??

I remember my mom going out of the house in a leotard in the late 1970s. I think it was for aerobics class at the Y. I know my mom hated it but she went as part of the women's group. They did weird night she came home from some art class with a basket full of schalacked bread.


Even after all this time the earth never says to the sun, "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that.

It lights the whole sky.

- Hafiz
Another vote for Jack Lalanne; he opened the door that the rest walked through.

Richard Simmons was certainly a banner-carrier, and made plus-sized women enthusiastic for working out which was a total first for the industry.

I'd also have to say (much as it kills me to do so) that Jane Fonda helped to get the home-ex industry vis-a-vis recorded workouts on its legs.

And Kathy Smith deserves a lot of credit as well.

Interesting question!

My GF is looking for some Joanne Greggans tapes! That was a while ago! I think I still have a Jane Fonda Tape in the attic!
I recently read an article about Jack Lalanne that said even at 93 he works out for 2 hours a day! I think he said exercise is king and nutrition is queen.

Jane Fonda got me started...

<I remember my mom going out of the house in a leotard in the late 1970s. I think it was for aerobics class at the Y. I know my mom hated it but she went as part of the women's group. They did weird night she came home from some art class with a basket full of schalacked bread.>

It's been a rough day and Sparrow my dear, and because of you I am ROFLMAO!!!
RE: In your opinion, who is the founder of home fitness...

><I remember my mom going out of the house in a leotard in the
>late 1970s. I think it was for aerobics class at the Y. I know
>my mom hated it but she went as part of the women's group.
>They did weird night she came home from some art
>class with a basket full of schalacked bread.>
>It's been a rough day and Sparrow my dear, and because of you
>I am ROFLMAO!!!

My childhood was a little off-kilter.

Even after all this time the earth never says to the sun, "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that.

It lights the whole sky.

- Hafiz
RE: In your opinion, who is the founder of home fitness...

I remember these really strange workouts on TV you could do along with the 80's looking model types. The camera would focus on their gyrating behinds and stuff, it was hilarious. I remember doing them in the privacy of my living room.:p Oh dear.

Oh and hats off to Jack for sure, he is the king. But Billy Blanks really brought a new excitement to workouts at home-at least for me, that is how I got hooked on at home workouts instead of the gym...Billy Blanks and his no-counting self.;)
RE: In your opinion, who is the founder of home fitness...

Oh tneah, I used to do that workout too! I think it was the 20 minute workout. My younger brother would get up to watch it. LOL

I agree that Jack L. is the king.

A friend in fitness,
My vote is for Jane Fonda. I was doing her aerobics tapes in the 80's! Perhaps she is not the ACTUAL one but she's "MY" founder of home fitness. That's for sure!:)
My vote is also for Jane Fonda, My mom had the book and record, later we got a cassette tape. Then the Jane videos. I remember then moving on to Kathy Smith and then the Firm and finally to CAthe!

My mom also when I was real little would work out with this lady with big hair on PBS and also the Yoga lady who seemed to me "so weird"

RE: In your opinion, who is the founder of home fitness...

Holy Cow! When I was a chubby teenager I used to do 1-2 20 minute workouts a day! Thinking back those workouts were soft-porn!!!

Another vote for Jack, but there was a pretty big lag between him and the Fonda era. I also remember Charlene Prickett on Lifetime. She was my first and she had really sensible nutrition chat, too.
Jak LaLanne, huh???

Wow, some of you ladies are pretty old...jeez...:7

"Getting ready to duck flying objects heading my way"...gulp
Ah, yes, Beth Motta and the 20 minute workout girls. She used to sing her instructions. Does anyone remember that? Then she went on to get herself blown up by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the first Terminator movie.:p

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