In search of the perfect workout shoe....


Hi everyone,

I am on what is turning out to be a lifelong quest for the perfect workout shoe. I am wide in the toebox and forefoot, narrower in the heel. I have very low arches but am not completely flat-footed. I slightly over-pronate. I need to have very good forefoot cushioning. I need a shoe that is fairly stiff, but still has some bend to it. I have a small frame and my weight is in proportion to my height. Right now I am wearing New Balance trail running shoes. They are a little bit heavy for doing step (especially high impact) and the treads get caught in the little grooves on my step from time to time.

I also blow out the support on my shoes pretty quickly In short, I am hard on shoes.

I generally do step and strength training. I have worn aerobic shoes, cross-trainers, running shoes and some of these seem ok in the beginning but don't hold up (I know they won't last forever but more than two weeks would be nice). I know I can't wear Nikes. I have tried Rykas and had great luck with one pair, couldn't find that model again, and the newer version didn't work at all for me.

Anyone out there with the same problem?

"Don't forget to breathe!"
Hi Lois!

I have been in your same position...searching for the perfect workout shoe. It's difficult when your feet aren't perfect isn't it?! I am also wide in the toe box. That has been my biggest limiting factor in finding comfortable shoes with good forefoot cushioning. I agree Nike's are out. Too narrow. New Balance is great because they come in wide widths, but a different shoe besides your trail runners would likely be more comfortable. I don't have a pair of New Balance now, so I can't recommend a specific model. I just threw out two pairs of Reebok when I finally found a shoe I loved.

So, now I use only Ryka's. I took a chance and ordered them online because I couldn't find any in stores. I have the Enlight II which is wider in the toebox and very comfortable. Compared to my old shoes I thought there were springs in them! They are really great shoes and don't hurt my feet one bit. I also have the Ryka Rhythm II, which is more of a standard B width so it needs a little strethcing out, but it is also a wonderful shoe. I ordered them from because of the free shipping and free return shipping so that way if they didnt' work out it was no worse than a trip to the store. Plus they ship fast so that was an added bonus.

Good luck with finding your perfect shoe!

:D Nicole
I do have somewhat of the same problem although my heel isn't real narrow but I like room in the toebox. As far as running, Adidas used to work great because they were wider but I got some Reeboks and they are awesome!! For Cathe's cardio I use Freddy's shoes. I don't have much problem with my indoor shoes and this is my 1st pair of Freddy's and I will buy them again...:)...Carole
I'm with Carole all the way. Freddy's shoe's have given me the support & cushioning I need in Cathe's workouts. No more forefoot pain, no more heel pain, no more knee or hip pain. Yes, they are related.

I have been hearing so much about Freddy shoes, but can't find them anymore. US Bodyware I've heard is going to stop selling them, so where do we go now to get them? I would really like to give them a try? Does anyone know?

:) nicole
Maybe this brand never really took off in the U.S, but trust me, I'm buying a few extra for my closet, cause I've tried them & I'm not a dumby. Too bad. Nike's look so hot, but heck they freakin' hurt!


P.S. I know because I have bought them all & tried.
well, i too am still on the quest although with Ryka i got a step closer. not perfect yet. i;m gonna have to try this Freddy character. where do i find him?

I checked USBodyware and there are no more Freddys in my size.. They had only very small or very large sizes. I did a Google search and couldn't find the aerobic versions any where else, just the dance Freddys. Sigh. I guess I will try the Rykas and see how they work for me.

"Don't forget to breathe!"
Yes, Lois, I had the same problem you did trying to find the Freddy's. Plus, since US Bodyware has them all on closeout, you can only do an exchange (no refund) if they don't work. :-(

Hope you do well with the Ryka's!

:) Nicole
I'd suggest going to a running store and getting fitted for a shoe that fits your foot. I can tell you what I wear, but it would only work for you if you also have high arches, wide feet and PF :)

I'm loving my Ryka Rythm II's. I have high arches and need a wide toe box also. I'm noticing my feet are doing so much better. Also, I used to get some ankle pain in my left leg that seems to have gone away.
I just ordered the Ryka Rhythm II's. I will be able to tell right away if they feel right or not so at least I will be able to return them. And, they came in black, and I love black workout shoes. It's the little things......

Thanks for all your input.

"Don't forget to breathe!"

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