

I just did IMax for the 3rd time, but this time with an 8 inch step. Wow that is much harder. Do the other 2 Imax's use a 8 in step too. I want to purchase them. I love that workout. Thanks
I think Cathe does all of the IMAXes on a 6" step. I usually do IMAX and IMAX 2 on 8" but I recommend doing IMAX 3 on 6". It is the toughest in my opinion and because of the complexity, I think 6" would be more advisable.

I did IMAX the other day and I'm pretty sure they used an 8" step. I haven't done IMAX2 in a couple of weeks but I'm pretty sure Cathe uses a 6" step. I use a 6" step for both b/c an 8" step bothers my knees.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart.

dern, i was hopin they used a 4" step. i previewed IMAX 3, and i don't even know if i can do it on the floor, much less on a step. and i strained my back on saturday, so i don't think i'm gonna try it for awhile, til my back feels much better. anyone got cathes old step heat? i got it off ebay, but not sure if i'm gonna like it. what do ya'll think of it?
Hi, to be honest, I don't think it matters what height you do your step routine on, I would go with what you are more comfortable with. I do all cathe's step workouts on a 4 " step, and always have done because of a dodgy knee (and I am scared of falling off any higher). I still get a great workout, and see results.

Good luck with your Imax's - Imax 2 is my favourite !
Imax 2 and 3 are filmed on a 6" step, but I do all 3 on an 8" step (I'm 5'2"). It sounds weird, but an 8" step actually feels better on my knees than a 6". I'm no superwoman, but the truly evil intervals are on the floor anyway--i.e. plie jacks and power lunges.

If you like Imax, you'll really love Imax2. I can't say I love Imax3, but at least I don't dread it anymore--and I'm actually starting to like it. Plus the hardest interval for me (the plie jacks) is in the middle instead of at the end like Interval 8 in Imax and Interval 9 in Imax2.

Carol F
I know for sure in IMAX 1 they all used an 8" step. I think Cathe uses 6" for 2 and an 8" for 3, but I'm not certain.
You don't have to use the same amount of risers under your step like Cathe does in her workouts. You can always use one set of risers or no sets if you haven't worked up to that level. I have been stepping for years, and find that one set of risers is plenty! It is also easier on my joints. Take care.

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