
New Member
Hi Cathe,

Don't want to make this a long email. Just one thing...since I was introduced to your exercises, It’s ALL that I do! Even got my husband doing weight training with me. I really LOVE your IMAX series!

Ok my question. In the previous IMAX dvd's the sound of the music was nice and loud (it's help to get into the music when you get tired), but Imax3 your instructions is so much louder than the music. Sometime I can not even make out. In Imax and Imax2 you can hear the music very nicely.

Is there something wrong with I dvd?

Ronell Mulder
Hi! I'm not Cathe, but I just received my copy of Imax 3 last night and I found the music low also. I did like the music though! BTW, have you done your workout yet? I posted a message earlier about it, WOW what a workout. I only done the first few intervals, couldn't catch on that fast, but that's me. I do have determination though - I'll get it!:)
My DVD also came straight from cathe.coma nd I find in places the music is so quiet I start thinking "what happened to the music"? Its much more complex to get down than I and 2, but I love those cute pink outfits everyone is wearing! (and the workout too cathe!)
Hi Ronell! The volume is something we hear about a lot from this series. We are happy to say that our follow up series (Low Impact Step/sculpting and Total Body Stretching) had no volume concerns.

Take Care and I wish you and your husband a future of fun and challenging workouts :)
Just so you know -- when I got my IMAX 3 I HAD to have those cute outfits and you can get them at don't think they have those outfits on-line but you can call them at 1-866-oh-my-bod and tell them you want the outfits from Cathe's workouts. I know when the workouts first came out they offered a discount if you said you got their info from They were pretty reasonably priced too, I thought.

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