IMAX3-Long Blasts, Short Recoveries

I just did this this am- it is a killer.
I agree with previous thoughts that the choreography was more complex than the other IMAXs in the step portion- I recovered a little longer trying to learn the choreography during the step portions. The blasts were new and refreshing and tough.
I am planning to do this once per week for the next month or so to try to master it and work up to doing the whole thing.
Great workout overall.
Note to self...

Do IMAX3 on a 4 inch step when/if you get up the nerve to tackle it...:eek:

(You guys have me really "scurred" now... ;( )
Yes, she does mention something about the shorter recovery time, I was too busy panting to hear her, though!

For those of you who are a little ( alright, alot) intimidated, do the premixes first to ease yourself ( if that is possible) into the workout.

I just love it, the complexity of the blast choreography surprised me in comparison to Imax 1 and 2, but it kept my mind busy so I wasn't thinking about how long they were!

A Must Have!!!!!!
I like it a lot!! It kicks butt. The shorter recoveries take some getting used to but will probably help increase aerobic endurance (if you live). I do the other IMAX tapes on an 8" step but I can't foresee that happening for a long time, if ever, with this one. It's pretty tough at 6" and I am a pretty advanced stepper.
This is an amazing workout! I would say it's harder than Imax2 (but just as, if not more, fun) and about the same as Imax1. I love the complex choreography and appreciate that she doesn't break it down. I would love it if Cathe put out an Imax with each new series because she's so good at it and interval training is so efficient.

I didn't get super winded, probably because I'm not strong enough to jump as high or squat as low as Cathe and crew. It's always the same with this type of workout, my legs fatigue faster than my breath gives out. I haven't tried Low Max yet, but for this reason, I think it will be hard for me.

Cathe's form is outstanding and I think Jai's form is particularly good in this one too.

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