Imax2 and C&W have me messed up


Active Member
Ok I thought I was going to be able to pickup the choreography to these DVD's even though they were described as complex...I keep trying but I am not getting it...I get all turned around when Cathe's back is to the TV...doing the mombo's, pivots...etc., I guess I am gonna have to get a DVD that shows basic moves that will help me graduate to the Imax DVD's...does anyone have any suggestions...these have me swirling and frustrated...I have BC/ME, KPC/L&G, Kick Max, and I love these, but I am totally frustrated with my latest purchase of Imax2 and Cardio &!....Connie
I had a LOT of trouble learning these -- especially IMAX2. It took me a whole month to learn them doing one every other day.

I only did intervals 1-3, then 1-4, then 1-5 with IMAX2. I moved on only when I could do each of those intervals without feeling frustration.

I did not find C&W to be so difficult to learn as IMAX2.

Also, I had done Power Max many times, and I was familiar with some of Christi Taylor's step workouts.

I think people who have never done any step at all or only simple step would have trouble learning IMAX2!

Believe me, it's totally worth the extra big learning curve. These two workouts are FUN, FUN, FUN! (once you learn the steps)
I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way. I'm new to Cathe and have only been doing her videos for about three weeks. I started with Body Fusion & Basic Step the first week and then moved on to IMAX 2 & CW. I did IMAX2 a few times and I was all over the place. It's very fustrating and this is despite the fact that I previewed it. Last week, I was determined to learn IMAX 2. I did it 3 times (Sun, Weds, & Fri) and it got better--I started picking up more steps each time. So don't worry, eventually you transition into the moves without realizing it. Then, on Saturday I did CW. I lost 1 pound just doing that in addition to my own cardio work! But guess what? Sunday, I developed the flu and have not been able to work out since. This is the first time in about two years that I've gone more than two days without working out. I stayed away from step because because of some of the complex moves etc.. I realize now, nobody says you must get all the moves down the first couple of times, don't put that type of pressure on yourself--that's what I use to do. Now, I realize that its just a learning curve.

Hope this helps :)
Thank you for the replys...this really helps me to feel like I am not the only who can't get this...and I really want too, because everyone raves about how fun they are...I am just not feeling it yet...I am having trouble "mirroring" Cathe, I can't wrap my brain around when Cathe cues right leg and she is touching and leading with her left...I start leading with my left then I get all turned around...I am gonna keep trying....thanks again...Connie
>Thank you for the replys...this really helps me to feel like
>I am not the only who can't get this...and I really want too,
>because everyone raves about how fun they are...I am just not
>feeling it yet...I am having trouble "mirroring" Cathe, I
>can't wrap my brain around when Cathe cues right leg and she
>is touching and leading with her left...I start leading with
>my left then I get all turned around...I am gonna keep
>trying....thanks again...Connie

Listen to Cathe's words. Forget about Cathes real left or right leg. She is cueing for you.

Look at yourself in a mirror, watch your actions. Pretend the image opposite of you is somebody else or Cathe. When your right arm reaches for the faucet, the arm seen in the mirror, is moving exactly as your arm on the same side. Anything you move or do, the image across is doing the same directly opposite your movement.

I hope I didn't confuse you more, 'cause I feel like I am, now.:+
I just did the premix for step only for C&W this afternoon. Lasts about 30 minutes. I didn't get all the steps, but I did get most of them. I don't worry about not getting them, just figure I'll go back some other time when I want to. I only used the topper (4"), no risers. It will be more intense I'm sure with a riser. I like to do new DVD's without risers. Helps me not to stumble around so much. This is a fun one! I'm working up to Low Max... Have previewed it and will probably bite the bullet soon and just start moving my feet. Looks like a lot of fun (except for the non-fun intensity blasts):eek:

Stick with it and use the slo motion button. You'll get it. Talk about having to concentrate and listen...

I find if I count out the pattern with her as I am trying the new combo it seems to help me. It's funny I don't get frustrated trying the new Cathe videos but Christi Taylor puts my stomach in knots! Think maybe I like Cathe's style better or something but I just can't seem to get through a Christi video.
I did Imax2 for the second time today. I'm getting the cardio steps down, but am having trouble keeping up on some of the blast series, just because I get too winded. Someday I'll be able to keep up with Cathe.

Hi Connie,

I agree with you. I keep trying, however, I do feel like I'm getting the hang of it a little bit. I DO have a long way to go, however! I just have IMAX 2 Tivo'd off of FitTV, so I also get frustrated with the commercials. I don't want to buy it until I get the hang off it better. I also have BC/ME. And have been seriously debating getting KPC/L&G and/or KIck Max. Do you really like the latter? I've been going through the Forum to get feedback on those two DVD's. I just want to make sure I'll really like those workouts since the videos are so expensive. I figured the kick boxing was the way to go for cardio, since I'm struggling with the step right now.

Hang in there! Dallas

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