IMAX1 = Ye-ouch!


I did this one completely for the first time today. Now, it doesn't seem as difficult to me as IMAX2, but I tell you, all of those &^%$! jacks REALLY sneak up on you! I was really winded and sweating by the last blast.

Lots of fun in that masochistic way we all love! }( }(

i know the choreography is so simple but the work is YEOW!!!!!. those blast are super super intense on my legs but its a great workout nonetheless. i have done imax2 but i want the dvd version. love to try BLAST MANIA!!!


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I just did Imax 1 for the first time today too. I have done Imax 2 and 3 already but I finally got around to getting the DVD with Imax 1 on it. The step portions were really easy but the blasts killed me. I went heavier on PLB yesterday so my legs and butt were already sore and then I tried this for the first time. LIke someone else said, those plie jacks never end but gotta love em!!!

I still think this is the toughest of the IMAX's. The choreography isn't as complex but IMO the blasts are tougher.
Hi Marie,
You inspired me to dust off IMAX and give it a try. I did it all the way through.....well, I took one break in the middle and modified but not bad for my first time. Could not do all the plio jacks but something to aspire to. Definitely going to put this in my workout rotation!

I was inspired by this thread to dust off my IMAX also. It's been about 6 months since the last time I did it. It was more fun than I remembered it but just as tough. I think I'll do this more often now.
Very cool, ladies!! I really enjoyed this one, too.

This weekend I have MIC on my rotation. I have never finished this one, either, so this will be the first time, and I'm a little scared!


You guys have inspired me too, Imax 1 tonight, it has been a long time since I have done this workout and its a toughie :9

Oh I completely disagree. I find 3 to be moderate compared to 1. The only thing that gets me on 3 is the choreography, but I've done it enough times that even that's not a challenge anymore. I like them all, & I like 3 the best b/c it doesn't completely suck every ounce of energy out of me, but I still think it's the least challenging of the IMAXs.
I recently purchased Imax in VHS sale and I love it. It is more intense than Imax 2 (IMO) and far more enjoyable than IMAX 3 which I find a drag. I like the simple choreography of IMAX.


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