This is for those who need modifications to IMAX 3 blasts. Surprisingly, with constant practice, I can do blasts 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 either in parts or in their entirety. But despite the fun and sense of accomplishment I get from doing these blasts, my knees aren’t fond of them.
I’ve been playing with these modifications for the last three weeks. They’re not perfect but they’re close. I can keep up with Cathe’s rhythm and end up on the same leg as she does, except for blasts 2 and 7. These are my notes. I had to view the blasts one by one and write down my modifications after I did them.
It’s easier to show someone the moves than describe them, but I hope that this is understandable for the most part. Right leg always leads.
knee to the side
step touch
knee to the back
go up on step (up on right foot, up on left, turn to the side as you do this)
do the straddle taps (I haven’t found a way to take out impact here.)
low impact abduction repeaters, 7X
exit, quick turn, A-step
repeat on other leg
take out all impact; when doing modifications, keep hips square; sit low
instead of 2 jacks on the floor, do heel kicks (hi/lo style)
instead of plyo jacks front & back, do 1 slow squat to the side each
instead of jumping to board and going out & in, do a basic step and 1 slow squat
keep doing slow squats on the last set of out & ins
*Cathe does 2 sets with right leg leading and 2 sets, left leg leading. With above modification, it is important to listen closely to her cueing so you know which leg leads.
instead of long hop-turns, do u-turns; on 3rd u-turn, go farther to the side/edge of board
if you don’t like the starbursts, do basic step
if plunge lunges are too much, do basic taps to the back; arms go up as you tap back; use full range of motion; do 15X (it is important to count; I count the reps out loud)
instead of pulsing lunges + power lunges, do 7 regular alternating lunges; go deep and low with muscle control (a la lunges in many of the warm-ups in Cathe’s other step workouts)
after the 7th lunge, tap back with opposite leg, knee up, exit
do other side
don’t even look at the screen or listen to Cathe; when practicing, mute the TV if possible
routine is as follows:
U-turn (or power horse if you want some impact) then go over step
as they ricochet, do 2 knees on the step and jack
repeat sequence
follow Cathe’s transition on the step to do other side
start other side with U-turn, then go over, then 2 knees and jack, etc.
*Kathryn has another modification for this, which has more impact but less directional changes here:
instead of plie jacks, do 1 plie squat (go low) for every 2 plie jacks that Cathe does; alternate legs
I follow criss-cross sets for impact. If not, I do 2 alternating kicks (hi/lo style) for every set of criss-crosses. I do 12 alternating plie squats first set; then 8; then 4.
To modify, do this blast on the floor. Take most impact off wide lunges and tap to sides. (There will still be some impact, albeit very little, since you’re doing this fast.) Arms go up and down. Use full range of motion to keep heart rate elevated.
instead of straddle down & jump, do basic straddles and basic steps up the board, follow Cathe’s lead
instead of slow jumps down & up, do squats with leg lifts, L&G style, 8 of them – right foot is on the board the first set – arms go up as you do a leg lift
instead of triple combo, do alternating knee smashes (do them hard; work the obliques and hip flexors), 16 of them
instead of jacks + side lunges, do 8 alternating taps to the side (important: the leg that’s up in the air on the 16th knee smash is the same one on the step that starts the alternating taps; so if the right leg is the one doing the 16th knee smash, this same right leg goes on the step, and you start tapping for 8 with left leg)
3-knee repeater, off the step
do other side
*the rhythm of this modification is a bit off; listen closely to Cathe’s cueing to other side to catch up
modification combines one slow squat to the side with one leg, then one squat in place and a leg lift with other leg
squat to the right, close (still keeping low), then “explode” arms up as you lift left leg to the side (or to the back, if you prefer), then close
alternating knees
keep doing alternating squats and “explosions” even when they do those turning plyos
follow Cathe’s transition to left leg then do all over with left leg leading – squat to the left, close, then explode with right leg lifted to the side (or back, depends on what you want to work – outer thigh or glute)
You’ll be facing front the whole time except when doing leg extensions. Don’t listen to Cathe’s cueing for those turning long hop-turns. Instead, do:
(right leg leads) knee to the side, over ONCE, knee exit to the back, knee to the side, go over ONCE, knee exit back, knee side, go over ONCE; end up on same side and leg as Cathe.
Take all impact out of abductions and leg extensions. Keep arm movements. Small hops are needed during transitions from abductions to leg extensions.
Repeat, left leg leading.
To lessen intensity, do the blast on the floor.
For low impact:
instead of jump Y & together, do alternating V steps, right leg leading
instead of wide squat jumps + airborne jumps, do alternating high straight kicks (like in the warm-up in Kick Max), 8 of them
Repeat. Right leg always leads on this blast. Since you’re doing alternating V’s and high straight kicks, you still get to work both sides.
Share your modifications. PLEASE.:7
I'm off to pick up my boy... Enjoy!
I’ve been playing with these modifications for the last three weeks. They’re not perfect but they’re close. I can keep up with Cathe’s rhythm and end up on the same leg as she does, except for blasts 2 and 7. These are my notes. I had to view the blasts one by one and write down my modifications after I did them.
It’s easier to show someone the moves than describe them, but I hope that this is understandable for the most part. Right leg always leads.
knee to the side
step touch
knee to the back
go up on step (up on right foot, up on left, turn to the side as you do this)
do the straddle taps (I haven’t found a way to take out impact here.)
low impact abduction repeaters, 7X
exit, quick turn, A-step
repeat on other leg
take out all impact; when doing modifications, keep hips square; sit low
instead of 2 jacks on the floor, do heel kicks (hi/lo style)
instead of plyo jacks front & back, do 1 slow squat to the side each
instead of jumping to board and going out & in, do a basic step and 1 slow squat
keep doing slow squats on the last set of out & ins
*Cathe does 2 sets with right leg leading and 2 sets, left leg leading. With above modification, it is important to listen closely to her cueing so you know which leg leads.
instead of long hop-turns, do u-turns; on 3rd u-turn, go farther to the side/edge of board
if you don’t like the starbursts, do basic step
if plunge lunges are too much, do basic taps to the back; arms go up as you tap back; use full range of motion; do 15X (it is important to count; I count the reps out loud)
instead of pulsing lunges + power lunges, do 7 regular alternating lunges; go deep and low with muscle control (a la lunges in many of the warm-ups in Cathe’s other step workouts)
after the 7th lunge, tap back with opposite leg, knee up, exit
do other side
don’t even look at the screen or listen to Cathe; when practicing, mute the TV if possible
routine is as follows:
U-turn (or power horse if you want some impact) then go over step
as they ricochet, do 2 knees on the step and jack
repeat sequence
follow Cathe’s transition on the step to do other side
start other side with U-turn, then go over, then 2 knees and jack, etc.
*Kathryn has another modification for this, which has more impact but less directional changes here:
instead of plie jacks, do 1 plie squat (go low) for every 2 plie jacks that Cathe does; alternate legs
I follow criss-cross sets for impact. If not, I do 2 alternating kicks (hi/lo style) for every set of criss-crosses. I do 12 alternating plie squats first set; then 8; then 4.
To modify, do this blast on the floor. Take most impact off wide lunges and tap to sides. (There will still be some impact, albeit very little, since you’re doing this fast.) Arms go up and down. Use full range of motion to keep heart rate elevated.
instead of straddle down & jump, do basic straddles and basic steps up the board, follow Cathe’s lead
instead of slow jumps down & up, do squats with leg lifts, L&G style, 8 of them – right foot is on the board the first set – arms go up as you do a leg lift
instead of triple combo, do alternating knee smashes (do them hard; work the obliques and hip flexors), 16 of them
instead of jacks + side lunges, do 8 alternating taps to the side (important: the leg that’s up in the air on the 16th knee smash is the same one on the step that starts the alternating taps; so if the right leg is the one doing the 16th knee smash, this same right leg goes on the step, and you start tapping for 8 with left leg)
3-knee repeater, off the step
do other side
*the rhythm of this modification is a bit off; listen closely to Cathe’s cueing to other side to catch up
modification combines one slow squat to the side with one leg, then one squat in place and a leg lift with other leg
squat to the right, close (still keeping low), then “explode” arms up as you lift left leg to the side (or to the back, if you prefer), then close
alternating knees
keep doing alternating squats and “explosions” even when they do those turning plyos
follow Cathe’s transition to left leg then do all over with left leg leading – squat to the left, close, then explode with right leg lifted to the side (or back, depends on what you want to work – outer thigh or glute)
You’ll be facing front the whole time except when doing leg extensions. Don’t listen to Cathe’s cueing for those turning long hop-turns. Instead, do:
(right leg leads) knee to the side, over ONCE, knee exit to the back, knee to the side, go over ONCE, knee exit back, knee side, go over ONCE; end up on same side and leg as Cathe.
Take all impact out of abductions and leg extensions. Keep arm movements. Small hops are needed during transitions from abductions to leg extensions.
Repeat, left leg leading.
To lessen intensity, do the blast on the floor.
For low impact:
instead of jump Y & together, do alternating V steps, right leg leading
instead of wide squat jumps + airborne jumps, do alternating high straight kicks (like in the warm-up in Kick Max), 8 of them
Repeat. Right leg always leads on this blast. Since you’re doing alternating V’s and high straight kicks, you still get to work both sides.
Share your modifications. PLEASE.:7
I'm off to pick up my boy... Enjoy!