Imax 2

For the first time yesterday I did the entire Imax 2 workout!! I can’t tell you how happy that makes me! I love this workout and have been doing it regularly for a couple years but have had trouble doing the blast that involves plyo jacks and the one where you hop down the board and then do those plie jacks for what seems like FOREVER! But yesterday I did it all. Truthfully I still have a problem with the alternating taps blast (I don’t think that’s what she calls them) because I can’t seem to do it as quickly as they do it and when she gets to 16, I think I’m about at 8 or 9 – is there some secret to those?

Also if you like Imax 2 which blast is your favorite? I think my favorite is #3 with the genie hops – or the one with the sumo squats.

First, CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm just now able to do intervals 1-6, I'm still working on completing the whole thing. I can do about half of blasts 7,8,9 & 10. I'll get there eventually!

I know what you mean about the straddle taps in blast six. It took me FOREVER to learn to do those and unfortunately, I can't really tell you how I learned them. I just kept trying to do it and all of the sudden one day I was just doing them!!! Sorry, I know that's not helpful, maybe someone else can offer some tips.

Actually, now that I can do them, I think the straddle taps is my favorite blast! :p
Hi Travis!

Imax 2 is my favorite Cathe step workout! Congrats to you on completing it in its entirety!! This one does challenge our cardio endurance real well!:7

I would have to say that blast 9 is my favorite (plie jacks to the pina colada song). This one is HARD and so much fun at the same time, it must be the music. Genie hops are actually my least favorite, they seem to go on forever and it just doesn't feel right to me.

I'm not sure if there is a trick to getting the side taps right in blast 6. I think you just need to find the rhythm in this one and trust that you will not wipe out ;-) and of course start with the right foot tapping the step first, as Cathe says :)

Hmmm I have a feeling I will be doing Imax 2 again real soon! I just can't stay away from that one for long.

>First, CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm just now able to do intervals
>1-6, I'm still working on completing the whole thing. I can do
>about half of blasts 7,8,9 & 10. I'll get there eventually!
>I know what you mean about the straddle taps in blast six. It
>took me FOREVER to learn to do those and unfortunately, I
>can't really tell you how I learned them. I just kept trying
>to do it and all of the sudden one day I was just doing
>them!!! Sorry, I know that's not helpful, maybe someone else
>can offer some tips.
>Actually, now that I can do them, I think the straddle taps is
>my favorite blast! :p

Thanks for the congrats! If you can do teh last half of the blasts your way ahead of where I was -- the last ones seemed harder to me! Okay, I'm glad to know it took you forever to get the straddle taps down -- I'll just keep working on it. One day, I suppose I'll do it too!!
>Hi Travis!
>Imax 2 is my favorite Cathe step workout! Congrats to you on
>completing it in its entirety!! This one does challenge our
>cardio endurance real well!:7
>I would have to say that blast 9 is my favorite (plie jacks to
>the pina colada song). This one is HARD and so much fun at
>the same time, it must be the music. Genie hops are actually
>my least favorite, they seem to go on forever and it just
>doesn't feel right to me.
>I'm not sure if there is a trick to getting the side taps
>right in blast 6. I think you just need to find the rhythm in
>this one and trust that you will not wipe out ;-) and of
>course start with the right foot tapping the step first, as
>Cathe says :)
>Hmmm I have a feeling I will be doing Imax 2 again real soon!
>I just can't stay away from that one for long.

Maggie, I think Imax 2 is my favorite step workout too! It's lots of fun! I don't think I love the Genie hops as much as I love the box move before the genie hops - I don't know why I love that but I totally get into it and jump way high each time going around the step! LOVE IT! I know I'll just keep trying those straddle taps and eventually I'll get it. I remember when everything Cathe said in her step workouts was confusing to me, now I don't have to look at the screen I can just do the move!! :) Progress is a wonderful thing!

Tomorrow I'm doing Imax 3. I like that one too, not as much as Imax 2, but its so hard to me right now. . . . .
So funny, I just did IMAX 2 today and had forgotten how much I love it. The only thing I don't like are the plyo jacks or plie jumps etc. I just can't do them. But I love the music and blasts. I haven't finished the entire thing without 15 breaks but hey I'm getting there!!!
Congratulations. That's an amazing feat
Imax 2 is my favorite Imax, too. Congrats on getting all the way through! That's a great accomplishment. I can't do the whole thing right now, I'm just doing 1-5 or 6-10. I'll get there, though!

I love the straddle taps blast. I think the secret to doing them that fast is to really tighten your core so you can keep your hips right above the step and just move your legs side to side. I have to say as strong as Cathe has made me, my core has become much tighter since I started taking tap dancing classes. And since my core is stronger I notice a big difference when doing straddle taps. In fact, there's a quick fast foot repeater in Step Blast where I noticed it the other day. And the straddle taps in 4DS Boot Camp.

I'm rambling, sorry, but just wanted to give you my $.02!

I still do the FitTv version and just did the entire workout for the first time the other day. I guess that is kind of cheating though. I usually drink water while I am forwarding through the commercials. I really have to order the full version but not until this gets easier for me. My favorite things are the straddle taps and the step sequence with the hesitation. I sometimes rewind it and do it twice!
>So funny, I just did IMAX 2 today and had forgotten how much
>I love it. The only thing I don't like are the plyo jacks or
>plie jumps etc. I just can't do them. But I love the music and
>blasts. I haven't finished the entire thing without 15 breaks
>but hey I'm getting there!!!
>Congratulations. That's an amazing feat

I actually like plyo jacks but before it took along time for me to be able to do as many as Cathe does without stopping -- thanks for the congrats -- I know you'll get there too!!
>Imax 2 is my favorite Imax, too. Congrats on getting all the
>way through! That's a great accomplishment. I can't do the
>whole thing right now, I'm just doing 1-5 or 6-10. I'll get
>there, though!
>I love the straddle taps blast. I think the secret to doing
>them that fast is to really tighten your core so you can keep
>your hips right above the step and just move your legs side to
>side. I have to say as strong as Cathe has made me, my core
>has become much tighter since I started taking tap dancing
>classes. And since my core is stronger I notice a big
>difference when doing straddle taps. In fact, there's a quick
>fast foot repeater in Step Blast where I noticed it the other
>day. And the straddle taps in 4DS Boot Camp.
>I'm rambling, sorry, but just wanted to give you my $.02!

Thanks for the tip Anne, I'm going to go home tonight and practice the straddle taps with my core held tight. Because you're right, my hips do not stay over the step when I do it now, I'm moving way to much!!

Thanks so much!!
>Oh good for you! I did Imax 3 this week. I may have to pull
>out Imax 2 for next week!

I'm doing Imax 3 tonight. . . . it scares me it seems so tough! But I will conquer it eventually :)
I love IMAX 2.....I love getting to the Pina Colado song! I love when cathe says "I know you're tired but jump HIGHER!" It makes me smile every time.

IMHO opinion IMAX 3 is no where near as good. The stepping is a bit more intricate and the crew just don't appear to be enjoying themselves as they do in I2. That being said, the blasts are also a tad harder in I3...which may be a bad mix with more complicated choreography. I2 just brings together the perfect elements of Cathe which is pretty hard to top :D
First, whoever told me to tighten my core while I do the stradle taps THANK YOU! That worked wonders and I did much better with them!!

Second, I like Imax 2 better than Imax 3. The blasts are really hard to me (at least right now) and the step combos are not as simple as they are in Imax 2. I like it though -- but I agree the crew does not seem as "happy" as they do in 2.

I always laugh when Cathe says "I know you're tired but jump higher too!" :)
Can someone explain what "tightening your core" means? I hear it but I'm not sure what it is (and if it helps with straddle taps, then I want to understand it!) Is it basically like making your stomach really taut?
>Can someone explain what "tightening your core" means? I
>hear it but I'm not sure what it is (and if it helps with
>straddle taps, then I want to understand it!) Is it basically
>like making your stomach really taut?

yes, exactly!! Pull your stomach in and keep it tight - I found that it did really keep my hips positioned above the step (instead of moving from side to side) and it allowed me to do the straddle taps alot better than usual.
First off junejunesmom I have to say your sucess story is AMAZING!!! I was so happy to read and see your progress. You look absolutely fabulous!
As far as Imax 2 it is the workout I just love to hate. It kicks my butt everytime. I just did it yesterday. My tip with the alternating taps is to get that beat down. Say it in your head "tap, tap, stradle tap,...." it will help and move your arms like your running. Just doing it will help pull your core into action. When I'm looking for a cario challenge it is always Imax 2 and the blasts in Kick Max. Gosh I hate those darn plie jumps.:)
Oh, I'm glad it helped (telling you to tighten your core)! I didn't even do it consciously, it just happened as my stomach became more toned.

For the person who asked how to do it--suck in your stomach like you're lying down and trying to get on a really tight pair of jeans. Don't hold your breath, just pull the muscles in. Think of trying to take your belly button back to your spine. Same way you do when doing ab work, but upright.

I know Cathe tells us what a difference a tight core makes, but I didn't really believe it until now! Ha!


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