Imax 2 new mantra


I posted the other day how discouraged I was at my first attempt at Imax 2. I was in a store yesterday and saw a magnet that stated exactly what my new approach is. I bought the magnet, of course! But won't move my fridge next to my workout area as I suspect that would be counterproductive. ;)

I'm about to go make attempt #2, but thought I'd share since I suspect some of you can relate!

Courage does not always roar.
Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow".
-Mary Anne Radmacher
Thanks for sharing that Amy...I know that there are days that I feel defeated and that mantra will be very inspiring for me.


LUcky me that I read this post because I am going to do IMAX 2 tomorrow morning...:*
Dodo Ma-

(If I understood your signature at all, I'd probably call you something else, but I admit, I don't get it! :) sorry!)

It worked!! I admit, I only did 1-5 plus the warmup and cool down, but STILL! It was kind of fun. This was now the 2nd time I've done it, and I think I lowered my expectations of myself. But it WORKED because I didn't get upset, and I'm all sweaty, and I'm proud of myself for getting this far! I did work a long day today, and it is 8:30 and I haven't started dinner yet, so 1-5 was my limit for today.

Have fun tomorrow morning!!
Amy - I LOVE that magnet! It's so true! Thanks for sharing - and YOU GO GIRL! Imax 2 is tough! You're doing fabulous!
That is a good one. Thanks for sharing. I'll keep that in mind for Imax 3 which I"M getting the hang of still!

Thanks for sharing that. I think that no matter what the level everyone can use that one day or the other. This also applies to life not only fitness. Congrats on what you have done so far on IMAX2. All of the IMAX's are tough workouts. You are doing exactly what you need to do. Take it one step at a time.You should be PROUD!!:)
You go, amyg! Imax 2 gets easier (well, maybe not "easier", but certainly easier to follow) the more you do it! It's such a fun workout! Love the music!
It took me many many tries to get through all of Imax2. If you got through to the fifth routine on only the second try I think you did an amazing job and I'm way impressed.
>Courage does not always roar.
>Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day
>saying, "I will try again tomorrow".
>-Mary Anne Radmacher

Amy G., thanks for sharing! That's wonderful...hope you don't mind if I copy it down!

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