Imax 2 DVD times breakdown


Here are the chapters and times that I've marked down for myself, if any one else would like the exact times.

I spent 4 hours doing this last night. The lack of sleep was worth it to me! I felt kind of panicky when I put in the DVD and didn't know the exacts. Geez am I neurotic or what?

I only bought the Intensity 1 DVD so someone else gets to do the others. I've also done Cardio and Weights, but I'll post that separately.

Sorry, I didn't break down the titles and chapters for "blast mania" and "blast only" only the times. Also the "~" means approximate. Hope these are helpful. Enjoy!

Intensity #1 DVD

Title 2: IMAX 2

Int Chp Section Time Int Chp Section
3 Warm up 6:52
Int 1 4 Step 1:43 Int 6 20 Step 1:29
5 Blast 1:46 21 Blast 1:41
6 Recover :45 22 Recovery :41
Int 2 7 Step 1:33 Int 7 23 Step 1:29
8 Blast 1:26 24 Blast 1:27
9 Recovery :54 25 Recovery :55
Int 3 10 Step 1:29 Int 8 26 Step 1:27
11 Blast 3:09 27 Blast 1:49
12 Recovery :55 28 Recovery :53
Int 4 13 Step 1:29 Int 9 29 Step 1:28
14 Blast 1:26 30 Blast 1:28
15 Recovery :41 31 Recovery :45
Int 5 16 Step 1:28 Int 10 32 Step 1:26
17 Blast 1:27 33 Blast 2:07
18 Recovery :42 34 Recovery 1:51
19 Break :34 35 Stretch 5:29
Total 54:12

Step Sections Only
Title Chp Section Time
2 4 Int 1 1:43
2 7 Int 2 1:33
2 10 Int 3 1:29
2 13 Int 4 1:29
2 16 Int 5 1:28
2 20 Int 6 1:29
2 23 Int 7 1:29
2 26 Int 8 1:27
2 29 Int 9 1:28
2 32 Int 10 1:26
Total 15:01

Blast Mania -- Warm up
Total ~ 39:11

Blast Only -- Blasts
Total ~ 26:50

Nadine--A DVD programing Fool!

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