IMAX 1 vs. IMAX 2


Hi everyone: I really like the format of IMAX 2, and was wondering if it was worth getting the first IMAX tape as well. I like the simple routines with the blast and short recovery better than the format of the new Step Blast video, for example. The intervals also provide convenient places to stop. I get exercise induced migraines if I sustain cardio activity for too long, so I try to take a ten minute break in the middle where I usually do abdominal work. Anyway, any thoughts on the first IMAX workout? Is it as good as the second? Thanks!


I think IMAX 1 is great and maybe alittle bit harder. Most of the blast part is on the floor where in IMAX 2 it is more done on the step. Tell you the truth I love the both but I like the music better in IMAX 2 better. I say get it:)
I've been wondering about this same thing since I love IMAX2 so much...geez...when I used to read (and still do) from different posters, "you'll eventually be getting all of them ( the workouts) anyway," I didn't think that would apply to me...I was so WRONG! LOL
Imax 1 is harder. Imax 2 is more fun, more modern, better music, but Imax 1 is tougher, no doubt, even if you do it on 6". I have them both and do them both. By the way, the toughest intervals are 4, 8 and 10. Maybe 2.
Thanks. I guess I will have to buy this one, too. Tougher, huh. I actually do IMAX 2 with 2 sets of risers, so I will be interested to see how much harder the first one is. I really like the music used in the IMAX 2 workout, which is part of the reason that this one is so fun. Thanks again to those who replied!



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