I've comleted ansanity workouts 3 times. The first time I did it was fine and whent off to do other workouts for about 3-4 monts before doing ansanity again. Once the second time of doing ansanity was done I only took about 3 weeks of doing other workouts before I started doing ansanity rotation again. Now I'm totally burned out!!! I'm not sure if it's a combination of my age (44) and not incorporating recovery periods in between workouts, and to top it off I have totally have been skipping stretching part of my workouts because of lack of time. I'm hurting and have absolutely no energy when doing the workouts that use to be fun like kick, punch and crunch. I know myself and I will not take any time off to get the appropriate amount of rest. What can I do to get my energy back and get my flexibility back wish I know has definately effected my proformance on the easiest everyday task. I was going to start Turbo Fire, but really I don't think I should...not yet. Thank you and hope to hear some of your ideas!!!