I'm tossing my scale !!!!


Ok I'm so Bummed ,I've been dilagent on both clean eating and follwing Cathe's weight loss rotation, and then some other workouts too. (kick Max today). Anyhow my cloths are fitting so nice ,I'm feeling great , I See with my own eyes stuff jiggling off ! LOL . Stuff toning up too. So I hop on the scale this am and it was up 5 pounds !Funny thing last Wednesday When I was On my period I was actually down 3 pounds from when I started The rotaion , I really thought my weight was gonna drop today !!! So I'm either tossing the scale or ,maybe I should not get on it ,!!! I know our weight fluctuates but thats like 8 pounds jiggling back and forth up and down . Help LOL . I will not let this ruin my day }( }(
I'm not supposed to use a scale, but occasionally I will sneak on it and it always sends me into a frenzy! I say don't use it. If your clothes are fitting well and you can see changes, then it doesn't matter what the numbers on the scale say.:)
I am actually gaining weight, and I love it! Losing the fat as I am down to 15.5% bodyfat now compared to 18.5% just in January. I have gained 3 pounds of muscle! YEAH! Scale is my friend.

Wow, Charlotte, that is awesome!!! Congrats!

Mary........if you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, don't worry about it. It will be a positive change...
I have a friend who recently joined a gym where she is weighed and measured frequently to help track her progress. She has lost several inches but only minimal weight and this is discouraging her. I keep telling her not to put so much emphasis on the scale as long as the inches are melting off...I hope she take my advice. I'd hate to see her quit, thinking she is getting no where when the exact opposite is true!!!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Hi Mary,

Do you happen to have a copy of the weight loss rotation? I have read about people doing the rotation but cant find it.

Hang in there and keep up the hard work!

I haven't been on a scale in three months. When I am lifting weights, I don't find it an accurate measuring tool...just a real source of frustration x( .

I use a measuring tape and go by how I feel in my clothes.
Hi Mary,

If you think about this rationally, there is no physical way you could gain 8 pounds of fat in one week. You would actually need to be giving your body at least 3500 *extra* calories a day to gain that much weight in that amount of time. I am currently pregnant and on total bedrest (ie., NO activity allowed), and eating all sorts of high-fat, high-cal foods, and have not gained even close to that amount of weight in 2 weeks. If you are eating well and exercising frequently, then the numbers on the scale are not reflecting fat gains. It sounds like you are doing a terrific job on your rotation, and you should keep going as you are. Ignore the scale, and go by how your clothes fit, and how you feel.

Thanks for all your support , And all of you are right . I've been tempted to toss the scale before . I didnot let it ruin my day . I will keep on going strong cuz At the same time I'm seeing such great results .. Its just so strange . I'm not going to weigh myself for along time after that . I really needed it as a tool while I was loosing all that weight , but not anymore !!!!!Thanks again everyone
RE: My Scale hates me.

I've been giving mine the cold shoulder as well. I am considering a peace talk at the end of the month, that is, if I stick to my clean eating.

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