*I'm* the oldies now? Heehee!


So when I was in my teens and college days, I loved anything 60s. My mom really didn't get it and found my incessant questions about what it was like 'back in the day' very amusing. I didn't reallize that not everyone was a hippie or a radical or hooked on music or the culture the way it looked in the books or on TV. I reallize now that most everyone was living their lives, raising their children, and whatever it is people do to get by.

Now as I hear more and more 80s music on the radio every day , I reallize that now I'M the oldies! Augh!

I was at a Starbuck's a while back and when I commented to my husband about the 80s music playing the barista went on and on about how she loved oldies music form the 80s!! My gosh - I loved new wave and punk music the FIRST time around - haha! :p :p :7 :7

How did I get to be my mother already?????:7 :7 :p :p

Susan L.G.
Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time. Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines.

Funny how those lyrics mean so much more to you as you get older. The interesting thing that I'm finding now that I'm in my 40's is that our music isn't really SO much different from what the 20 year olds are listening to. I have a really good friend who is 23 and he's always sending me stuff to put on my iPod. Most of it is really good...some of it is crap. But it's crap that's no different from what I would have considered crap in my 20's ("death" metal kind of stuff - always hated it).

I see my mother in me everyday. But it makes me glad because she was the strongest person I ever knew. And I see her in my daughter too. I could live without my blurted "for cryin' out loud"s, though. Those are just TOOO mommish.
Actually, I find it awesome that kids (twelve year olds...the same age I was when I discovered much of the sixties/seventies music I listen to today) are tuning in to Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, the Grateful Dead, etc even though much of that music is hitting the 40 year mark. It is amazingly awesome music that is still quite relevant, much unlike the dated sound of the Culture Club or Def Leppard. So yes, we over 30 peeps are old farts but fear not, the "music" of our generation is even older and tired. Look at Bret Michaels....washed up....
I was just thinking about this the other day. When I was my daughter's age, the "oldies" were from the 50s, 20-25 years before. So now 20-25 years ago is....oh, it hurts me to think about it.

...and I turn 40 in a month. *sigh*
And 40 is the new twenty Honey (I'm a poet and didn't even know it). Some people are just starting families at 40 so you got time before geezerhood ;-)
>It is amazingly awesome
>music that is still quite relevant, much unlike the dated
>sound of the Culture Club

Hey, what's irrelevant about "Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon... you come and go... you come and go-o-o-o-o!" ;)
I recall seeing Boy George on Solid Gold <snort!> and being really confused. My mom was too. She insisted he was a she...with a really deep voice.
He might as well be a she. He wears more makeup than most women! :p

I remember seeing something about Boy George a few years ago - he was doing community service in NYC, picking up trash around the city. Ahhhh, the life of an 80's pop icon! ;)
He looked like a normal trash picker upper actually. I recall reading about it in the NYT. LOL!
I know what you mean since I had a birthday a couple of days ago. I was at the corner store the other day and an 80's song came on and it was like I was the only person in the store that seemed to even know the song. The other day on the radio they were playing old Hip Hop songs on the radio and my teenagers were just looking at me like I was strange when I started singing the song, it really took me back. Well I had fun anyways.
The time is flying, that's for sure. I've been exposed to some great new music--thank God for satellite radio, but I'm also pretty thankful that I lived in a time when some of the greatest bands were just starting out, and I saw them in concert when they were still trying to make the scene. Bands like REM and U2. They played at my local bar and I was able to converse with them backstage. Same with Ramones. I was a big Ramone groupie and caught every show. There was so much talent back then that I'm really not seeing now. Maybe that's why kids these days love the "old stuff". Very few bands create great albums. Why should they when all we do now is download selected songs from i-Tunes? I'm guilty of that! If they have one hit they're happy. It's all about mass appeal. How many singers these days actually write their own words and music?? I know many won't agree with me, but I don't think there's as much raw talent in the music industry these days.
Solid Gold! I remember Solid Gold! I LOVED that show!

Still got a little thing for the dear departed Andy Gibb. :-(

Funny grocery store story....

Shopping today and the store is playing Anne Murray's "It's the Right Time of the Night" and, I swear, I heard at least 5 different people singing or humming along.

(Including me!)
What's entertainig is that a couple of years ago, when Bon Jovi released the "Crush" album, DH and I went to the concert.

I can't tell you the number of kids there talking about what a great NEW band they were. They had no idea that this band has been putting out albums for 20 yrs!

So sad.
not exactly in the "oldies" but i love the 80s stuff b/c it was my era. my mom let me listen at a very young age to all the good stuff then. heck i even like 60-70s and i wasn't even born yet LOL. some of today's stuff i just don't get it. even rap, i much prefer run dmc and cast out 50 cent as talentless garbage(JMHO) but that is just me. some kids at work think i am older then i really am b/c i really don't listen to anything new except for a few bands and i am not that much older then they are(10-12 years older) and i am lost on their way LOL.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

<I think the further a long we go the music industry becomes less about music and more about industry.>

Yep...my thoughts exactly!
I'm not proud of the fact that I watch the MTV awards and have no idea who most of the people are. Somehow, I doubt our music was "better". I'm sure the new stuff must be good too, I just can't hear it. Music is like foreign languages, if you don't learn them when you're young, you'll brain will never "get" them unless you work hard at it. Occasionally, I'll hear a new song I like, usually because it's repeated many times on a commercial, like that Pantene commercial song "Unwritten". I really like that song.

For every Jim Morrison and the Doors in my day, there were 10 other stupid groups that didn't pass the test of time. I'm betting the same will be true of this generation.
Actually Nancy, I think there is a lot of good music to be heard these days but you have to go "underground" to get it. You won't see it on MTV or VH1 which cater to the bland pop loving masses (both channels play few music videos these days anyway) or hear it on the big radio stations, most of which are owned by the Clear Channel and play the same tired crap. You have to listen to college radio, independent radio, satellite radio, and go to shows wherever you can where there is a thriving scene of great music by real live musicians.

(And I sincerely hope for the sake of civilization that Fergie or that chick who sings "Under my umbrella..ELLA.....ELLA....ELLA!" do not stand the test of time! Blech!)
>You have to listen to college radio, independent radio,
>satellite radio, and go to shows wherever you can where there
>is a thriving scene of great music by real live musicians.
Totally agree. College radio rules! Lots of good bands as well as what was undergound back in the '80s plus no commercials. I winded up swithcing to listening to classical when I'm in the range for the college station I listen. Less commercials there too..

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