I'm SOOOO excited!!!


I pre-ordered the 4-Day split and I cannot wait to get it!! At the risk of sounding like one of my kids during a roadtrip, asking, "ARE WE THERE YET?", Cathe, do you know when they will be shipped? An estimate? Guestimate? I'll admit, patience is not my strong-suit -- I'm just really excited about adding to my small-but-growing Cathe DVD collection!!! And I cannot wait to do that Bootcamp workout!
You're funny Stephanie but at this point I can only give you the same answer I give my kids...."we'll be there soon"... :7

You're gonna love Bootcamp! Something different...Something doable!
I'll refrain from the whining and "awwww maaaaaaan" response my 5 year old gives that answer -- because I am too excited that you responded. I can't wait to tell my DH that "Cathe wrote me back!" He'll just laugh at me and call me a geek, but deep down, he'll be impressed. I really am looking forward to the new Bootcamp. I love the old one. I remember first doing it when it came on FitTV, after the birth of my second son two years ago, and being disappointed that I could hardly lift myself off the floor for jumping jacks. (I gained 55 lbs per pregnancy). Now, I can lift myself off the ground and actually smile while doing that workout. My DH asked me last night, "What would you do without FitTV?" I said, "What would I do without my Cathe workouts?!" Your workouts made all the difference in my return to healthiness! I was wearing plus-sizes two years ago and now am wearing size 6! I don't say that to fish for a compliment. I say it because you should know how impactful your workouts are! Thanks SO much!!!
Cathe, could you at least give us some more 'stuff' on the blog to help make the wait go by more easily? I'd like to get more details on preparation of the workouts. How long before filming did rehersals start? You said in the blog that they were 2 hours a day: what did that consist of--going over a different workout each day? Parts of the different workouts? And how did you guys not get burnt out before actual filming?
Hi Kathryn....I have to get my kids to soccer practice right now but I will be back as soon as I can to answer your questions.

Have a great weekend!
Cathe, please, please, pretty please give us a blog update. We're dying here!! ;) Anything, really...we don't even need pictures! I totally understand not wanting to announce anything regarding a timeline (I work in a production facility and am also weary of giving dates when things aren't certain!) but maybe some information on the things Kathryn asked or more detailed information on the premix breakdowns, etc. I know a lot of us are curious on the new software and how things are going with your other 2007-2008 projects too. Shoot, you could probably post your grocery list and we'd be excited!

I hope this didn't come off too pushy, I know your are awfully busy and I so appreicate that this forum and your blog even exists. We just are so excited about all your new projects and obviously are like kids waiting for Christmas Day to come!
Well Cathe, at least you know we're excited for your new workouts! Honestly Cathe, you are the best.
I laughed at Tracey M's comment of Cathe posting her grocery list. Ya know that people would be all over that, with all the questions regarding what Cathe eats/her diet. Too freaking funny.
anyone w/ kids knows that when you're doing the after school activity shuffle, time gets away from you.
Some details

Cathe, could you at least give us some more 'stuff' on the blog to help make the wait go by more easily? I'd like to get more details on preparation of the workouts. How long before filming did rehersals start? You said in the blog that they were 2 hours a day: what did that consist of--going over a different workout each day? Parts of the different workouts? And how did you guys not get burnt out before actual filming?

Kathryn >^. .^<

Hi Kathryn....sorry it took so long to get back to you.

Rehearsals usually start about a month to three weeks before we film. We divided the rehearsals into two sessions (am and pm). We worked on a couple of different workouts each session. We don't usually go through each workout from start to finish, rather just clean up areas that need fixing. We usually try to do the cardio portions on one session and then the strength on another session, but plans change all the time. Nothing is THAT set in stone. As we get closer to film day we try to run through the workouts in their entirety for flow and continuity.

To avoid burnout before film day we will run through the routines with very light weight and also modify cardio with all low impact or use just the platform of the step. Again, at that point the bugs are worked out and we know how the workout feels "all out" so we just run through lightly for flow and of course to aim for a seemless performance.


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