I'M SO PROUD.........


DH has finally gotten off his butt, and sat on his exercise bike, and (just checking here), his legs are MOVING :-wow Good for him !!
I told him I can't work off your middle age spread for you, I am too busy working off my own !!!!' :-rollen

And Harry Potter wands we certainly don't have ......

Just wanted to share :)

Anna :)
Way to go, Anna!!! I'm working on my DH, too. I love every last ounce of him to pieces but I want him around for years and years to come!! I just hope he can keep up with you;-).
I may have to import you over to my home, to motivate MY DH. He seems to think I work out enough for the both of us! :)

Good work, Anna!

Way to go Anna, the extent of my DH's exercise is beer can biceps curls! And MAYBE he might jog with the case of beer from the car if it's really cold outside! :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Anna - I LOVED your post! It made me laugh and think so much of my DH. I would be saying the same thing... "and his legs are moving."

My hubbies idea of exercising is WATCHING me do Cathe. If ONLY I could get him on a bike, treadmill or even in a pair of tennies I would be thrilled!

-LuvCardio http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport001.gif If Only I Can Be 1/2 the Woman my Dog Thinks I am!
Several years ago, I was tired of hearing my significant other talk about swimming in the summer time at a pool (Clearwater in Hartville, Deb H) nearby, and never go. Then I would hear the old, "I don't have time."

So I bought him a membership to the Y with the intent of paying his dues for a year. I got him a schedule, said, "Here's your membership, here's the time, GO!) And he did. He swims without fail 3 times a week This has been going on for years now, at least 4. I took away his excuses.

Just Do It! :)
I've been having DH go with me on a 20-minute "trot" around the block near our work. It's really just a brisk walk, but we try to do it about three times a week. We're going for five, but between the two of us, other problems (like sickness or work) keep getting in the way. I love him no matter what he weighs, but I'm hoping the exercise will help stop his snoring so we can share the same bed again!

I have exactly the same problem Annette. <sigh>


Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself. -Eleanor Roosevelt

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