I'm so disappointed...


in myself!!! As some of you know me, I haven't been around for awhile. Well, the reason for that being that I completely fell of the wagon about a month and a half ago. My eating started going downhill completely and then in the beginning of December I got sick, so I stopped working out. In that amount of time I managed to undo everything I had worked so hard for months before. I gained all the weight back I had lost and feel terrible. So, I made the decision to get back on track starting Monday. Monday and yesterday I ate right and worked out, only I must have overdone my chest workout on Monday because today my triceps are so sore that I can't bend my arms. I couldn't sleep at all last night because I was in so much pain. Therefore, I begrudgingly decided to take a rest day today because I don't want to cause a serious injury when my muscles are already in distress.
I feel so discouraged and disappointed in myself. My clothes don't fit, and when I look at myself in the mirror I don't like what I see anymore. I'm sorry this is so long, but I just needed to get this out and I knew that all of you wonderful ladies would understand. I HAVE to continue down the right path this time. I owe it to myself. I guess all I can do is look forward. Okay, 15 lbs to go.

Thanks for listening! I will probably need your support!

Katie - don't lose faith in yourself! You've proven once that you have what it takes. Just remember that, and forge ahead from there. Since you've been sick, just work back into it gradually so you don't hurt yourself again. And maybe instead of taking a complete day off today, could you possibly go for a nice walk outside? That wouldn't stress your upper body. And depending on how your arms feel this evening, maybe some light stretching might help to work out the soreness - just a little, mind you, since it sounds like you really pulled some muscles!

You are right - you do owe this to yourself, and you know what you need to do to accomplish it. Don't worry - you can do it!
Katie, please know that many of us have "been there, done that." Don't beat yourself up. Encourage yourself and know you can achieve your goals. Best wishes
Katie, don't give up on yourself. I recently went through a very similar phase and almost gave up also but remember we've all been there. It is all part of a process and everyday is a new day.

Keep going and call on us for support when you need.
I have gone thru my own personal struggles with DD. It is hard to concentrate or focus when something really troublesome is going on in your life, but you have pushed thru your barrier and now your off to a fresh start again so good for you!

Katie, I was in the same boat as you! I too slacked off after out patient surgery for about 2 1/2 months. I am just now getting back at it! I started Cathe's Jan. Rotation and am feeling better every day.
Just last week I looked in the mirror and was digusted with how my abs were disappearing and my bum/thighs seemed to be expanding!! On top of that I had PMS too so I was just a B*@^#. I said enough was enough and quickly logged on to my friends here. This has helped so much!! :)
I am trying to lose about 10 pounds and know I can do it if I keep checking in here and doing what Cathe tells me!
Stay strong, know you can achieve and know we are here for you!! Susan
Hi Katie! Please don't feel discouraged. Your doing all the right things right now. Just take your weight training down a peg it seems as if you were trying to do too much, too soon. Don't give up & please don't beat yourself up either. Chin up & just keep forging ahead. YOU WILL REACH YOUR GOAL!! Kathy:D
Thank you ladies for all your kind words and encouragement. I have definitely learned my lesson about trying to do too much too soon. I will do what I can until my arms recover and I am still eating right. It's just very hard when you were previously at a certain fitness level and now it seems way out of your grasp.

Thanks again ladies. I knew that I could count on all of you to help motivate me!

Katie I did the same thing this fall. After drinking beer and hanging out all summer, I was "making my comeback". Hmmmm....GS DVD was not the ticket. I couldn't move for a week. So, I dialed it back and started doing the beginner and intermed. stuff, or just doing 20 minutes of DVDs. It takes a while, but keep at it and you will be back. There are lots of people who have burned themselves this way.....so just hang in there and ramp back up slowly! Stay in touch - it really helped me!


Keep your head in line. Your butt will follow.

Katie, you were there and the beauty of that is it is easier to get back than it is to begin. What are you waiting for? ;) Start today and you can have it all back and more! Good luck. You CAN do it!
You can do it Katie!! In fact, WE can do it!! I regained 30 pounds that I had lost in 2004. Waaaahhhh. But no dwelling in the past! I am back on the right track for a few weeks. And I have the Cathe DOMS to prove it. Hang in there!!
You CAN do it, Katie! I'm with you too. In fact, my hairdresser and I are buddying up to lose 15 lbs (I actually need to lose more like 20--weight I gained since I stopped working out with a personal trainer--but don't tell my hairdressser--LOL!)

Alright, I'm up for the challenge. DH and I might be going to Jamaica in April, so that is a good motivator for me.

All you ladies are wonderful and I thank you so much for all the support!!!


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