If you're looking for a longer step workout, then definitely get the RS/MIC/IMAX dvd. MIC is 70 minutes long, and pure intensity. Rhythmic Step is 60 full minutes of cardio, as instead of doing a cool down, you do the entire routine from start to finish, twice on each "side". Because of this, it feels longer than her older step routines, where she included long cool down sections. IMAX is top-notch intensity. All of these workouts are chaptered, allowing you to combine segments, thereby giving you another way to create a long (and very intense!!) step workout.
If you already have the Timesaver, then you would not benefit a great deal from getting the SB/SJP dvd; at least, not as much as if you got the RS dvd. The SB/SJP premixes are great, but you could also create most of them on your own, using the portions on the TimeSaver dvd.
Good luck in your decision!